Chapter 25. Voices

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This chapter takes place after chapter 24.
We're jumping right into the smut.


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin speed up a bit, though still trying to go gently enough for Solar.

"aaah~! r-ruin~!"

Fuck- Solar's- moans-

Ruin bites down on Solar's shoulder, trying to not moan, though causing a bit of bleeding.

"r-ruin- y-your-"

Ruin moan's into Solar's shoulder, biting down a bit more, but trying to resist the urge to chomp down.

"hm- r-ruin- i- aah~! b-bleeding-"

Ruin freezes a bit, slowly pulling their teeth out of Solar's shoulder, stopping his thrusting.


"I-Im sorry- I-"

Solar's face is covered in blush, a couple tears of relief come from his eyes.

The blood on Solar's shoulder drips a bit, though Solar has a large smile on his face.

"i-its ok- keep- going~"

"R-Really- ok-"

Ruin takes a deep breath, coughing a bit though to the unexpected air.

Ruin flips Solar onto his back, admiring his face before continuing to enter and exit Solar's body, bending his legs for a better position.

Solar starts to limp, his body being more moveable by Ruin.

"aah~! r-ruin~"

"hmm- i- i am- aah~"

Ruin starts to feel an odd twitching within the lower parts of their body.

This- what- am I- aah~ fuck-

"S-Solar- I think im gonna- c-cum-?"

"wha- aah~ not- in- m-messy-"

As Ruin feels themself start to edge on their climax, they pull completely out of Solar, quickly looking away as their body makes a mess, apparently Solar had also reached his climax a couple times.

Ruin sits, bending their legs to try and hide the mess they had just made.

Solar, still very limp, grabs the pillow that he was using to cover his moan's a bit, and hugs it, curling his body around it.


He's still moaning- so- so cute...

I hope he liked it- I did break his skin...

I made him bleed...

I don't like that...


"Yeha S-Solar-?"

"... I liked this a l-lot- it felt- weird- b-but good-!"

"Even when I hurt you-?"

"... Yeah- it hurt but- it felt nice that... You more or less... marked me..."

Ruin blushes intensely, feeling his body returning to the hardened feeling.

"... Um- Solar-"


"Can you walk-?"

"Not well probably-"

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