Chapter 4. After Hours

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This chapter takes place after chapter 3.


Solar's perspective:

Solar rushes Ruin into the theater and sets them down in a seat, rushes back behind the counter and then back to Ruin with a bunch of different voicebox's.

"Ok! I gathered all the ones I made- I did try to keep it sounding somewhat like your old one-"

Ruin's eye flashes, 'you liked my old voice?'.

"Y-Yeah... I do quite a bit- u-um... I found it really cute!"

Ruin turns away a bit, clearly flustered.

Ruin turns back to Solar and flashes his eye again, 'give me the one closest to my original voice then'.

"Y-Yeah I can do that-!"

Solar starts looking through the voicebox's, playing a couple to see which is which.

All the voicebox's are really similar to eachother, the only real difference being how much their accent is affecting their speech.

"Found it!"

Solar pushes the other boxes to the side and goes behind Ruin, replacing the crushed and broken voicebox with a new clean one.

Solar hums a little tune as he puts in Ruin's new voice.

I'm fine with the morse code thing- but maybe with this Ruin will try to keep their mouth clean-

Solar closes up the voice box compartment, and goes back infront of Ruin.

"It's time to test it!"

"... Hello-?"

Ruin's quickly shocked, apart of them not knowing what would happen.


"I love you!"

Solar gets quickly flustered, his fans turning on as well for a bit.

"I-I also love you- that was kinda sudden-!"

"... I just wanted to say it!"


Ruin's voice is so cute!

"... Solar-?"

"Yeah Ruin?"

"... I'm sorry..."

"... For what-?"

"... I was about to kill you and your family-?"


"I also destoryed your world..."

"... I still love you Ruin... Maybe it's odd but- I just wanna move on... The others might not accept you back so quickly, but I want you back. You weren't gone for long but- I missed you so much!"

Ruin hugs Solar, not that much of a tight hug do to the temporary arms not having that much of strength.

"... thank you... Solar..."

Ok I know this is probably a serious moment for Ruin but-


Ruin cuddles into Solar, wiggling onto his lap.

Solar's cooling system turns on, the fans spinning fast.

Solar stands up, carrying Ruin in his arm again.


Ruin giggles a bit.

"Hehe... PUT ME DOWN!"



Solar rushes Ruin to the fazcade, carrying them bridal style.

After Solar rushes to the Fazcade, Ruin in hand, he sets them down finally.

"Why do you like carrying me so much-?!"

"Just in case!"

"What does that mean-?"

I have no idea Ruin, I just wanna carry my cute boyfriend-!

"Soo... Wanna do something?"

"Many things!"


Ruin giggles a bit, liking Solar's over the top reaction.

"Mhm! We haven't played games in a bit-"

"YeAH- um... I'll go get the game set up-"

Solar walks behind the dual screen and starts to set up the Fazcraft.

Ruin walks up behind him, peering over his shoulder.

"Ok- Its set up-!"

Solar hands Ruin a controller and brings up the two's world.

Ruin quickly goes to check their chicken farm.


"What- how- oh wait- some person probably messed with our server... We can get you more chickens Ruin-"

"... my chickens..."
Ruin looks down defeated, though also in a more playful manner.

Solar laughs a bit.
"Ruin come on, lets get you more chickens."

"ok... I wanna name one shark!"

"... It's a chicken-?"

"I know!"

I don't get it, but it's cute.

"Do you have a name tag?"

"I think so-"
Ruin opens up a chest, looking through the unorganized materials.

"I have one! Remember you gave me one with your admin powers!"

"Mhm... Wanna go look for new chickens now?"

Ruin puts the name 'Shark!' on the name tag, and runs up to Solar's character, making their character nod excitingly.

"Ok lets go-"

Ruin follows Solar with leads and a name tag, picking up flowers on the way.

The two play for a couple hours, Ruin inching closer and closer to Solar, then giving him a kiss on the check.

Solar goes limp and falls to the ground, dropping the controller.



Solar holds his head in his hands, flustered heavily as his cooling system turns on again.

Ruin sits down next to Solar, managing not to fall.

Ruin brings Solar into their grasp and cuddles into his shoulder.

"I like this position!"

Ruin powers off, going off to sleep, entrapping Solar in their grasp.

... Wait did they just-

"R-Ruin did you just fall asleep-?!"

I'm stuck!

Not the worst way to be stuck- this is really comfortable... Ruin cuddling me like this...

I wonder what- hm no don't think about that-


Should I also go to sleep-?

I kind of like watching Ruin sleep like this...

I'll stay wake till I get tired...


Didn't make it to 1000 words, but I also kept this fluffy! I think- I did kinda go into sad territory a bit- nah it's a fluffy chapter!

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