Chapter 27. Password

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This chapter takes place the next day after chapter 26, after the regular work day(Solar made Ruin stay home).


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin watches the clock.

Why isn't Solar back yet...

I want Solar...

I guess this would be a good time to...

I don't even have etheir of their trust yet I bet... How am I supposed to get Sun and Moon's passwords...

I could just steal them competely...

That shouldn't be too hard...

Yeah. That's what I'll do.

Solar walks in the front door.

Ruin more or less tackles Solar, hugging him in their arms.



Ruin attacks Solar with a bunch of kisses.

Solar laughs and sits up, Ruin had pushed him onto ground.

"Ruin~ at least let me close the door-"


Ruin gets off of Solar, helping him get onto his feet.

Solar stand up, and starts to close the door.

"Um- I actually need to head out for- something-"

"Oh- when are you gonna be back-?"

"When I'm done... I'll get you a gift!"

"I- Ruin you don't have to-"

"I want to!"

Ruin steps out the door, closing it as they blow a kiss to Solar, making a 'mawh' sound.

Ruin takes a deep breath, the night sky is slowly falling downwards.

Time to break into the pizzaplex.

Ruin starts to head towards the pizzaplex.

They pick lock the front door, and enter in, lifting up the metal gate.

I need to make sure to not get caught... If one of those STUPID SECURITY BOTS- I'm just gonna break them.

Ruin dodges the security bots, entering the daycare.

The gate's somewhat squeaky, making a shiver go down Ruin's back.

Ruin goes on Moon's computer at the desk, trying to guess the password.

"What are you doing."
A somewhat quited version of the computers voice.

"I need to get something for Solar from Moon and Sun's computer, but he forgot to tell me the passwords."

"Why so late."

"Solar forgot to ask Moon and Sun, and since he's tired, I offered to go for him to get the files."

"Hm. How do I know you are telling the truth."

"Why would I lie? I'm just now starting to gain back Moon's trust. After... Yeah."

"Ok. The password is 67320, for Moon's and for Sun its kitten cat :) 12."

"Ok. Thank you."

Now I need to stay here for a bit longer... To make it seem like I was telling the truth...

Solar's perspective:

Ruin closes the door completely, Solar holds this head in his hands, flustered at Ruin blowing a kiss at him.

Aaah- so cute-

I want them to do stuff to me again...

Aah- stop thinking about it-

Solar smacks his head a bit, trying to calm down his overheating system.

Solar walks around the house, and ends up walking out into the back porch, looking at the night sky.

Its a nice large backyard, neighboring house's and a couple trees around the area.

I can't believe that Ruin got this place... Just for us two...

I love Ruin so much...

I wanna kiss them...


I wonder what their doing right now...

Solar laughs a bit.

living in my head rent free...

Solar pulls his shirt over his face, still overheating a bit.

I'm a simp aren't I-

I can't deny it at this point-

Solar lets go of his shirt, letting it lay naturally.

Solar walks back inside the house, just taking in the whole place.

Solar spins around, basking in the area.

I feel like royalty in a castle almost-

It's only...

Ruin's not here...

Solar slowly stops spinning, and walks over to a couch inside of the living room.

Solar sits down on it, hugging the pillow that Ruin was hugging earlier today.

... I wish I could smell sometimes... Smell Ruin's scent... Wait- is that weird-?

Am I being codependent-?

Aah- i don't know- but I just want them...

Solar takes a blanket that is on the couch, powering off just like that.

Ruin's perspective:

Ruin walks in the door, locking it once inside.

They see Solar asleep on the couch.

... Guess I came home too late-

He looks so adorable like that!

Ruin goes over to him, lifting him into their arms and heading for the bedroom.

It feels kinda nice to be the one carrying this time... Usally Solar's the one carrying me... Though this is nice...

Ruin connects a wire to Solar's charger pulling him in, and then themself.

They lay Solar in the bed, getting in next to him.

Ruin power's off.


Short late night chapter for today, cuz my phone's about to dieeee!(20%)

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