Chapter 18. Aftercare

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This chapter takes place after chapter 17!


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin watches as Solar powers off, his head hitting their chest, making a little tink sound.

... I wonder what this would've been like if we where human...

I don't know much about human- things- isn't there a whole- prep-? Part before the actual intercourse?

Eh- seems complicated- Also, Solar seems to have liked what I did anyways!

I didn't think he'd be so needy- Solar wanted to keep going!

That means I did good right-?

Yeah I did good!

Ruin looks down at Solar's head, admiring their boyfriend lovingly.

I wanna do it again.

I need to wait till he wakes up to ask!

Waiting... I guess I could also charge for a bit- but I'm already at full power- and he just looks so cute on my lap!

I didn't realy touch that many of his sensors- I didn't touch any of the ones on his head- though I did go kinda wild with the ones- down below...

His moan's where adorable!

I was so close to moaning too- just seeing him like that was amazing!

I wanna keep touching him...

Wait- what if- oooh! I should get a bunch of pillows for when Solar wakes up!

Ruin slowly puts Solar down off their lap, standing up and giving Solar a kiss on the head before walking off to look for pillows.

Where can I get pillows... Oo and blankets!

Hmm... I can just steal some actually!

Ruin runs out of the parts and services room, and then outside the pizzaplex.

Where can I find blankets, pillows- maybe some other things as well... Hmm... Oh I know! Kmart!

Ruin looks around at the street signs, seeing the large 'Kmart' sign, and running into the street, barely making it by.

Wait I should probably get a weapon-


Ruin looks across the street of the 'Kmart' and sees a gun store.


Ruin run's across the street again, some cars drift out of the way, causing some destruction.

Ruin enters the gun store, seeing a very much high person at the counter smoking a cigarette.

This should be easy-

Ruin walks up calmly.

"Welcome to gun store, what can I do you for today?"

"Um... Do you have any- Scorpion guns?"

"what kind you looking for kid?"

I am most definitely older then you but ok.

"Umm EVO three? Do you have that?"

"Yeah, just give me a second..."
The person crouches down and open's up a compartment, grabbing the gun and handing it to Ruin.

"That will be... About one thousand eight hundred and-"

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