Chapter 5. Time

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This chapter takes place the day after chapter 4(The pizzaplex is closed due to legal issues)

Also I end up using the ~(I looked up the meaning in text(it means being playful or flirty).

Just a warning.


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin powers on, happily surprised that Solar's asleep in their arms still.


Ruin cuddles into Solar more.

I want my boyfriend to wake up now!

"Solar~ wake up love!"

Ruin shakes Solar a bit, trying to get him to power on.

"I don't wanna wait for you to wake up!"

Eventually Solar powers on after a lot of shaking.


Ruin stops shaking Solar and quickly plants a kiss on him.

"Sorry Solar-!"

"hm... It's ok-"
Solar being quickly flustered mumbles a bit when talking, though stands up, forcing Ruin also to stand up.

I like seeing Solar flustered like this! His reactions are amazing!


Ooh that would get a reaction!

"Solar! We should have some fun!"

"Eh- S-Sure- I'll get the Fazcraft back up if you'd like!"


Solar gets back down on the ground and starts getting the Fazcraft back up and running.
"I stood up just to sit back down-"

Ruin reaches into their pocket and takes out something while Solar rambles.

Ruin gets down behind Solar and puts their hands around Solar's neck, pulling him in a bit.

Solar's voice is a odd mixture of pure flustered-ness and confusion.

Ruin laughs a bit in response, then lets go, revealing a small necklace around Solar's neck.


Solar freezes and falls back into Ruin.

"T-Thank you for the necklace Ruin-"

I've realized that Solar gets quickly flustered when he thinks I'm trying to do something dirty.

Which is odd cause I don't ask before hand, and if you don't ask it can't happen!

"You haven't even read what it says!"

"Oh it as letter beads- awwhh! You put 'i love you'!"

Ruin nods happily.

"I love you to Ruin. You're the best! Wait- THE WORK DAY HAS STARTED BY NOW-"

Solar quickly stands up, checking his Fazbear email, then stops rushing as he realizes the day's been cancelled.

"Whats is up Solar?"

"Well. Fazbear is getting sued for child endangerment- again."


"Though gladly that means I can stay for longer!"

Ruin clap's happily, standing up, Solar catching them before falling.

Solar holds Ruin tight in his hands, before letting go and just being a flustered mess again.

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