Oneshot - Names

413 10 32

This is a human au, and is COMPLETELY unrelated to the rest of the story line!

Solar is a mechanic, and Ruin works in the gift shop.

Sun and Moon aren't human, and are just animatronics, Lunar and Earth don't exist for simplicity.


Solar's perspective:

Solar's been repairing Glamrock Freddy, for about 9 hours, mostly surrounding the head region.

This is the fifthteeth time I've had to repair this bear.

How does an animatronic get destroyed so often?!

I need a drink-

Solar powers on Freddy, stepping back.

"Hopefully this works-"

"Oh hello there! I apologize for my- accidents recently-"

"Yeah yeah, just go so I can clock out."

"Yes Sir!"
Freddy walks out of the repair chamber, and goes back to his regular activities.

Why do people give animatronics a conscious?

The day these things go rouge is the day I don't clock in.

... I still have some times till it's considered overtime... I can visit the giftshop...

The other worker's say it's nice... I wonder why...

Solar takes off his repair gloves, covered in oil and throws them onto the cart under the computer.

He walks for the giftshop, once there he awkwardly walks in, not seeing anyone at the counter.

Guess the worker clocked out already-


Solar turns around to the face of the voice.

A fairly short, person multi colored hair, many accessories, and maybe a bit too much energy.

"U-um hi-?"

The person shakes Solar's hand happily, before letting go and taking a breath breath in as they step back a bit.

"Hi there! I'm Ruin, and I work at this giftshop! Are you a worker or a customer?"

Solar freezes at the sight of Ruin.

I- I think I know why people like this place now-

Solar's face blushes, staring at Ruin.

"I- Um- I'm a worker- I- I work in parts and services as a mechanic- d-do you work here-?"

Ruin nod's happily.

How can someone so cute be so happy at Fazbear's-

Ahh- cute- I wonder if they can top- ahh- what am I thinking-

"I work right here in the giftshop! Though sometimes I get distracted from some other workers trying to flirt with me- more specifically guys who think im a girl- and girls who think I'm straight-"

"Are you not straight-?"

"Nope! I thought that my appearance made that clear-"

"I'm also- not straight!"

"Cool- um- Anyways, why are you here?"

"... I wanted to see what all the hype was about- everytime I walk past the other workers that I see- they're always talking about the giftshop-"

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