Chapter 12. Something Nice

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This chapter take place the next day after chapter 11.


Solar's perspective:

Solar powers on.

"hmm- Ruin-"

"Solar you're still in the daycare-"

"JUST- Good morning Solar!"

"Well that was a one eighty flip."

"Shut it."
Ruin turns to Moon very angered.

"Solar tell Ruin to calm down."

Solar gets up, rubbing off the dust on his eyes.
"Whats- whats even going on-?"

"Ruin wants me to start looking for Eclipse, even though, HE JUST DIED. WHICH MEANS WE HAVE TIME."

Ruin and Moon stare at eachother, both very irritated with the other.

Wait so whats going on-

"Ruin- we can take a break-"

Ruin crosses their arms and goes over to Solar.


"Thank you, the computer has been looking for Eclipse for some time now actually, though it doesn't seem to pick him up anymore."

"I'm gonna find and kill Eclipse again."

... Wow Ruin is really angry-

Solar's cooling system turns on a bit.

"Mhm. You've said that like fifteen times."

Ruin takes out the object from their pockets, it had grown and started to glow more since killing Eclipse a second time.

Ruin hands it to Moon.

"Oh yeah this-"

"Figure out what it is."

Moon takes the object.

"It looks bigger then when you showed me and Sun-"

"It grows- I don't know why- but it does."

"That's concerning-"

"Mhm. Anyways I'm taking Solar."

Ruin grabs Solar's hand and drags Solar out of the daycare.


"Somewhere nice."


Are we gonna-



Ruin brings Solar to the fazcade.


"Ah- Yeah- Fazcraft!"

My mind has gone so far off-
Solar's cooling system turns on more.

"Solar why's your cooling system on-? Where did you think I was gonna bring you?"

Somewhere private-

"D-Dont worry about it-"


Solar sets up the Fazcraft and hands the controller to Ruin, who accepts it happily.

So cute- kinda hot aswell- AH WHAT AM I THINKING-

"Solar stop over heating for five seconds-"

"ah- yeah- sorry-"

"Or you can continue- I don't care-"


"L-Lets just play the game-"


Ruin and Solar open up their world, which as been added to.

"Someone added the pride flag-"

"We can't get rid of that!"

"but the chickens are being blocked!"

"Hmm... Lets move it over then- wheres the pickaxes-?"

"Uh- wait don't you have work today-?"

Oh fuck-

Solar checks his Fazbear email, seeing one email about the pizzaplex being closed for a week, after Ruin's incident at the main entrance.

"... Nope! No work today-!"

"That means we can play all day!"

Ruin stims a bit while sitting and gives Solar a pickaxe.

"Now can we please save my chickens?"

"Your chickens will be fine if or if we don't move it."

"Yeah- but my chickens can't survive off of all gay air!"

"Says who?"



Solar and Ruin mine the pride flag, and place the blocks on the side of their house.

"Gay house! Gay house!"


"We can do many gay things inside of the gay house you'know!"



"C-Can we c-change the topic-?"

Ruin giggles a bit.


The two play Fazcraft.

For hours.


Short fluff until the next chapter.

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