Chapter 26. Jealous

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This chapter takes place after chapter 25.


Solar's perspective:

Solar stops spinning around with Ruin.

"Do you have to go now-?"

"No, I have a week or so to do the job. Do you wanna go to sleep Solar?"

Solar nods happily.

"I wanna cuddle..."

"Sure Solar, lets cuddle."

Ruin grabs Solar's hand, before walking out of the parts and services room, making Solar confused.

"Ruin where are we going-?"

"We're getting a house."


"I want us to actually have a bed... So... House!"

Sharing an actual bed with Ruin- we haven't done that since we where in Europe-

I guess the pillow fort was kind of bed like but-

Ruin's adorable-

While Solar was dazing off to himself, Ruin had brought the two over to a seller, and had bought the house using Moon's card.

Ruin brings Solar into their new home, it's pre furnished luckily.


Wait- how'd we get a house so quickly-?!

... I have a house with Ruin...

We're gonna be living together...


Ruin brings Solar into the bedroom, theres a large queen sized bed, a large TV and lot's of small lights.

"Do you like it?"

Solar looks around the room, then leaps onto the bed after a small running start.

Solar wrap's himself in the blankets, and shortly after Ruin sits on the bed next to him, cuddling into the blankets, and bringing Solar into their grasp.

"I guess you like it?"

"I love it! It's so cozy here!"

I'll have to wake up earlier to get to work but... This is worth it... Living with Ruin... In our house... Our home.

Ruin gives Solar a kiss before powering off for the night.

I love them so much...

Solar powers off.

After about 5 hours, Solar powers on, knowing he'll have to get to the snack area soon.

Ruin is already out of bed.

Solar sits up, fixes his shirt up a bit and heads for the front door.

Solar sees Ruin on a phone call.

I probably shouldn't listen in...

I'm gonna listen in.

"... I know. I'll do it soon. You said I had time, I'm gonna take that time."


"I am not gonna apologize."

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