Chapter 28. Together

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This chapter takes place at about 2300(11 pm), after chapter 27.


Ruin's perspective:

Ruin suddenly wakes up to their head ringing.

Ruin quietly gets out of the bed, letting Solar sleep in more.

Why so early-

Ugh. Fuck this... Fuckin... Hell of a... Animatronic... I hate them... Messing with my life... Bullshit.

Ruin walks out of the bedroom, walking out of the house completely.

Ruin closes the door behind them, and then answer's the call ringing through their ears.

"Hello there Ruin."

"What do you want Stitchwraith, I was charging."

"Well, a little birdie told me that you have the passwords."

"Yeah. I emailed you the codes, what do you want now."

"Well. I was just going to inact my plan. Though, a person appeared and we worked out something. Though, I felt that it'd be fair that you'd get a choice in how this goes."

"Who is this person."

"Hm. He told me not to say sadly. Though-"

"Tell me who this is."

"Hm. An old friend of yours, will you accept that?"


"Well thats what he have allowed me to say."

"Anyways, You know, that... Chip you put inside of Solar to stop him from, seeing the truth?"


"Don't worry about it."

"... Well yeah... I remember. Why?"

"Well, you all can live in purgatory, or, I'll let you and your friends pretend to have some normalcy."

"... Give the chips to the others, tell me everything about what you are going to do."

"You want to protect them all still?"


"Well then. Get comfortable..."

Solar's perspective:

Solar slowly powers on, a small headace going through his head.

Solar sits up, and looks around, looking for Ruin.

"R-Ruin- where'd you go-"

... Did they leave me... Alone-?

No they probably just got up before me!

Am I just making excuses- no... Their probably... Outside-?

Solar gets up, unconnecting himself from the charger, and starts heading to the living room area.

Solar sees Ruin enter the house, with some clear tension going through their mind.

"Ruin- are you ok?"

"Im fine... Just stressed I guess..."

"Well... Its the weekend! I can stay here with you!"

"Yeah... I would like that quite a bit..."

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