Chapter 14. Lust for Blood

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Ruin's perspective:

Ruin powers on, cuddling into Solar, who's waken up now.

"Hello Ruin-!"

Ruin hugs Solar tight, before getting an extreme headache.

Ruin falls on the floor.

"R-Ruin are you ok-?"

Solar gets up and picks up Ruin, setting them on their feet.

No... My bloodlust is back-

I can't say that- can I-? He knows about it now-

"Ruin are you gonna respond-?"

"Um... if I tell you don't be scared please-"

"Why would I be scared?"


"Ruin tell me."

"... My bloodlust is back..."

Solar flitches a little, taking half a step back.

"W-what-?! S-Sorry- what does that mean-?"

"... Well... Right now... It's low- but it's gonna get more intense- and unless I- ..."

"Kill someone-?"

"... Yeah... If I don't do that- I'll slowly go more and more insane- and eventually- go on a manic killing spree..."

Solar, obviously frightened, grabs Ruin's hands, and looks into their eyes.

"H-How much do you need to kill for it to go away again-?"

"... At the very least one middle aged person-"

"Ok- um... go do that now then-"


He's- just gonna let me-?

"Yeah... It's necessary right-?"

Well... Kinda- I can not- but then I go insane- and end up killing anyways-


"I can't stop you from doing something needed... Even if I don't like it..."

"... I'm sorry Solar-"

"It's ok... Just go now before the pizzaplex opens."

Ruin grabs Solar's shoulders, pulling him on to their height, and giving him a kiss, before exiting the karaoke room.

Honestly... I'm shocked...

It doesn't seem like Solar to just... Let me... Kill people...

I'll talk to him later- after I deal with this-

Ruin's eye sight gains the red tint as their need increases.

Ruin exits the pizzaplex, heading into the forest once again.

I need to find someone...

I need to feel their blood on my hands again.

Ruin walks about the forest, stepping on crackling leaves and branches as the winter season sets in the area more, as the falling snow turns to cold dew on the trees and grass once melted softly.

This place is beautiful.

I wish Solar was here to see it...

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