Chapter 9

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Mark's POV

I walk around town until I found the police station. When I walk in, there's two cops sitting at a table piled with food." Hey there! Can you help me? " One of the cops turned around and faced me." And what on earth do you need, you buffoon? "" Ryan? " It was Ryan from Cyndago, except he was in his cop costume from The Ned Affair. Another cop walked up to see what was going." Hold on, Ryan This could be a case! "" Daniel? "" What!? We are very busy today! " Ryan interrupted." Doing what, exactly!? " I ask." We have very important business! It's Dan's Birthday! "" Really, " I say surprised," that's great. Congrats! "" Thanks, " Daniel replied." Anyways, I really need your help! A tiny box has -"" A tiny box? Ooh, this is getting interesting, " Daniel says, raising an eyebrow. I cringe at what he just said." You guys are sick, " I say, grossed out by Daniel's comment." Anyways, a tiny box has wrecked my home and kipnapped my friends. " Ryan and Daniel stare at me, unsure how to react to what I said. Ryan takes out his walkie talkie and calls in to the commander of the police station." Requesting permission to throw this loony into the slammer, boss? " There was about two seconds of static before he got a call back." Granted. " My eyes widened when I heard that." Fuck! " I turn around and start to leave when Daniel stops me." Sir! Do not move! You're under arrest! "" What!? Why!? "" For disturbing the police on a very special man's birthday! " Ryan answered, drawing a gun out and aiming it towards me." I'm outa here! " And with that, I ran out the police station, with Ryan and Daniel not to far behind me. I run away, trying to find a place to hide. I find a nearby sewer line and jump down the hole, landing on my feet. As soon as I hit the ground, I started to run, trying to find a way out. I found an elevator and got in just before Ryan and Daniel found me. The doors closed and I rode the elevator to the top floor. After I got out, I took cover behind a nearby bush. Ryan and Daniel run out of the elevator, trying to catch their breath." That little shit sure is fast ..." Ryan said after he took a moment to get his breath back." But we'll get some rest, then take him down, okay!? " And with that, they went back to the elevator and left. I came out from behind the bush and continued on in the other direction. On the way, I came by a strange object sitting in the ground. It was a simple burlap sack and inside was ham. I don't know why, but I decided to bring the ham in the bag with me. I finally got to the front of a building and on a higher piece of ground was Tiny Box Tim, or Hardwood, if you're perverted." Hello, Mark, " he said, his ugly Squidward - like face still in tact, for now. I'm done with this sh*t." Get down here RIGHT NOW, TIM! I need a word with you! "" HARDWOOD! MY NAME IS HARDWOOD! " Tim yelled, as if I didn't already know." Shut up you sack of sh*t! I've had enough of you ruining my house, my garden, my path, my life, and most of all, I'm sick of you killing my friends! "" But... " he said trying to act innocent," all I've ever wanted to be is a designer ... I thought what I did here was great! " I wasn't finished yelling at him yet." Shut your trap! You think you can do whatever you want, destroying property, killing people, taking -" Tim interrupted me in the middle of my speech." But Mark... I have never killed anyone in my life. " I tried thinking back to the other two fan games and get examples." Bull Honkey! You tried to kill Wade! "" But he didn't die, did he? "" Oh... Well ..." He had me stumped for a minute but I bounced back." You killed Jack! I found him dead inside your mansion! "" ...Hm? Jack died in my Mansion? Very peculiar ..." What the heck is he talking about?" What is? " I ask confused." You see, I never even knew that Jack was in my castle to begin with. You say you found him dead? What sort of injuries did he have? " I thought back to when I first found." Well ... Uh he ....Hey, wait a minute! You killed Yamimash! " He was surprised I even remembered that." Oh ... Um ... Right. "" Get down here and fight, you bastard! " Tiny Box Tim started to back away." Uh... No thanks, I think I'll just stay up here ..." Without notice, I threw the ham in the bag at him to try to knock him over and get him down here." Ow! " he yelled." Was that a ham in the bag? "" Shut your mouth! I'm going to go save my friends, jackass! " And with that I stormed into the building in front of me, hoping to find my friends.

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