Chapter 29

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Before I continue let me just say that the next two or three chapters are going to be humongous! This is mostly because we are reaching the end of the book.* cue worlds smallest violin * There's a ton of other book ideas that I wanted to do like my Jelsa Spinoff that I kinda didn't continue, or A.I. Super Intelligience( another book that I kinda stopped out of nowhere ), and the FNAF book that I wrote a few chapters for, but I haven't published. And of course there's other books that I want to continue like My Drawings, Ask or Dare Soul Eater, 7 reasons why...... Heck! I'm even thinking about doing an undertale book! But before I do, I want to make sure that I give this book the proper send off. It's been amazing seeing all the love that's came from all of you, and I'll still be answering and looking through comments and if theres any updates about me or my other books, I'll let you guys know, but other than that, it will come to an end. So thank you guys so much for reading and hopefully I'll be seeing you for the finale. Keep reading!

Dark's POV

She's been really nice to me, nicer than usual. I'm grateful she came around and started acting like she wanted to be around me, but I can't help but ask why. There's plenty of things she could waste her time on like chat with the servants or even help them with their chores, basically doing something that would mean that they'd be far away from me. So why? She spends a lot of her time reading stories to me like I'm a kid. It has been rather nice listening to them, though. She always seemed to put just the right emotion into her story telling. It was quite riveting. During one of our story telling sessions, she started to cough." What's wrong? Are you okay? "" Don't worry. I'm fine. My throats just a little scratchy. "" All this reading has to be straining your voice. How about we take a break from it today? " I'll be honest, I was I little disappointed. I've always loved listening to Belle reading, but I didn't want to her to push herself too much. I have a feeling she sensed how I felt." Well... We could still read some stories together. "" Huh? How? "" Well this time, instead of me reading it, how about you try? "" Really? "" Yeah. "" I don't know, Belle. What if I suck at it? "" Well you never know until you try. "" Yeah. I guess you're right. "" C'mon. " She leads me to the center of the library. We sit down on the floor and she hands me the book. I hesitate for a second." Don't worry. You'll do fine. I promise, if you have any trouble, I'll help you. " Her reassuring comment comforted me, and I began to read.

Your POV

Dark/Beast didn't seem to stumble on the words as much you that he would. While you listen to him you can't help but wonder why. Dark is such a nice person where you're from. What did he do here to get punished so cruelly? You can't help but pity him. Don't worry, Dark. I'll find a way to get us back, and then the real us will be together again. But then there's Wilford. Seeing Mark's other friends here was kinda shocking, but when it came down to Wilford, you couldn't help but feel he was out of place in this universe. Maybe he knows, too. Beast/Dark looks over at you and notices you kinda spaced out." Belle, are you alright? "" Huh? Oh! Sorry about that, I must've spaced out there for a second. "" You seem kinda tired. How about you go to your room and rest up a little bit before dinner? I'll let you know when it's ready. " He pats your head, sets the book on the desk and walks out of the library." Dark......." You get up and head off to your room, but you couldn't rest. Your thoughts were all over the place. How am I going to get us out? I mean.....we can't just be stuck here. Can we?

Dark's POV

I paced around my room. I want to surprise her for being so nice to me. I mean, she could've just ignored me, but she decided to actually try to bond with me. As I turn around to pace to the other side of the room, I see Jacque standings at the door." What did I tell you about coming down here? "" Alright, before you scream at me, I know you want to surprise the girl, and we want to help. "" We? " And as I said that, I noticed Mrs. Pots, Chip, and Clogsworth." Can we help you please?! " Chip asks while giving me huge, puppy dog eyes. I sigh." Alright. I'll let you guys help. " Jacque walks over to me." Alright, master! First we need to get you ready! "" I immediately regret this. "

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