Chapter 13

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Your POV

It's been about a month since you got out of the videogame and moved in with Mark and Dark. You've even appeared in a few of Mark's videos. You and Dark also have been devoloping feelings for each other. Feelings of trust and respect and... love. But thanks to your awkward personality, you have managed to blush everytime Dark notices you staring or says you like nice. Everything seems to be going smoothly with all of you, except for the fact that you haven't been able to track down Wilford. You can easily tell it has stressed Dark out. Ever since you got trapped in the game, Wilford was never found. Of course, when you told the police about your current situation, they laughed and sent you out of their office. You're fully aware that if you don't find Wilford soon that things can go horribly wrong, but you try not to think about it for Dark's sake. After you've watched a season of * your favorite TV show * for the millionth time, you decide it's about time for you to take a shower and get some rest. You get up and go to your bedroom, rummaging through the dresser and grabbing some underwear and pajamas. You walk across the hall to the bathroom and close the door behind you. After taking a nice, cold shower, you dry yourself off, put on your pajamas, brush your teeth, and dry your hair. When you walk out of the bathroom, you are confronted by a shirtless Dark in the doorway of your room." Hey there gorgeous. " He smiles with his pearly white teeth, leaving your cheeks as red as a tomato." Hey Dark. What's up? " What's up?! You think to yourself. That's all I can come up with?!" Well, " Dark started," I was thinking maybe tomorrow night we could go out for dinner, catch a movie, you know, hang out? "" I'd love to! " you respond a little too excited." Great! So how does 7:30 sound? "" Perfect. " You both stare into each others eyes for a brief second before Dark breaks the silence." I better get out of your way. "" Yeah ..." Dark walks up to you, leans in close, and kisses you on the forehead." Sweet dreams. " He walks down the hallway to his bedroom, leaving you dumbstruck.

Dark's POV

I walk into my bedroom and close the door behind me. As soon as I hear * your name *'s bedroom door close, I start to victory dance. I can't believe it! I asked her/him out! And she/he said YES!!! I plopped down on my bed, smiling like an idiot. I start thinking about * your name *. Her/His beautiful eyes, her/his beautiful smile, the way she/he blushes every time I compliment her/him, the way she/he makes me feel... she's/he's amazing. I fall asleep, thinking of my beloved * your name *.

Wilford's POV

I stood outside the apartment building, gripping on the handle of my grappling hook. I see the balcony of Mark's apartment. With an almost perfect aim, I shoot the grappling hook towards the rail of the balcony and climbed up to Mark's apartment. I opened the sliding glass door, tiptoeing in so I don't disturb anyone. I heard faint shooting noises in the distance, which meant Mark was probably recording a video in his room. I need to make this quick. I walked towards a nearby coffee table and reached into my back pocket, pulling out a book. I started to hear rustling sounds coming from Mark's room. I set the book on the coffee table and sneaked out before anyone noticed.

Mark's POV

I hear faint footsteps coming from the living room in the middle of my GTA5 session with Pewdiepie and CinnamonToastKen." Hey guys, I'll be right back in a second."" Alright bro, " Pewds replies. I take off my headsets, pause the game, and walk out of my bedroom to find no one in sight. I didn't see Dark or * your name * anywhere, so I assumed they went to bed. I looked around the living room, trying to spot anything that might have changed. On a nearby coffee table, I saw an interesting looking book. I picked up the book and read the title. Fairytale Collection. It's just a kids fairytale book. It's probably Dark's. There's a lot of stuff from his childhood that he kept over the years. The book looked worn out and the pages had an aged yellow color to them. It's definitely been around for a while. I was surprised I haven't seen it before. I flopped through the pages, scanning the different fairytales that was in it. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Alladin, The Princess and the Pea .... and then I came across a fairytale that sparked my interest. Beauty and the Beast. It was one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid. I suddenly remembered that I had Ken and Pewds waiting on me, so I closed the book and set it back down on the coffee table. When I went back in my room, I put my headseats on and resumed the game." What took you so long? " I heard Ken ask." It was nothing. I thought I heard something in my living room. "" You kinda freaked us out for a minute there bro, " Pewds says as we continue playing." Oh, well. It's over now. "

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