A hopefully exciting announcement

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Hey, everyone! So, this book is almost at 300k reads, which is both exciting and insanely scary at the same time cause of what I'm about to talk about. So if you guys weren't aware, this book was made earlier in my wattpad life span, and looking back.........at least I had fun writing it and you guys seem to enjoy it or you're bothering to read it, anyway. It's kind of hard to be completely honest about how I feel about this book just cause I don't want to upset people by what I'm about to say but...................the writing is really shit............I'm expecting a lot of angry comments now. I mean, I like some of the ideas here, but looking back, my writing is way better then what it used to be. And I do read comments and try to keep track of responses on this book and a lot of the criticisms that people brought up is exactly the criticisms I've had as well, especially with the earlier chapters cause oof.... There's a lot of repetition, I got some of the characters personalities wrong, the most glaring example being Wilford, there wasn't really any plot to this book, I purposely made the sentences long and winded when I should've had some variety, that and the vocabulary could've used some variety, too........ but, yeah, you get the point. Even though I very deeply appreciate the love and attention this book got, the book itself could definitely be a lot better. That, and now we actually have some canon backstory and development for some of the characters in this thanks to Markimoo. So, that's why I'm announcing that I'm officially rewriting this book. First, I think I should mention the plot. The plot is going to be completely different and is going to fit the canon of the Who Killed Markiplier series, so you'll be seeing more of Darkiplier as Damien, hopefully this will fix Warfstache's personality not being right, and Mark here will act more like actor Mark. Yeah, if you didn't realize, this book was written way before Who Killed Markiplier was a thing, like years before it existed, so everything in this definitely doesn't fit the characters as they are now. So, that's going to be fixed with the rewrite. Also, I want to make clear that it will be a long while before I actually get started updating chapters for the rewrite and that there will potentially be huge gaps of time in between chapters. Sadly, I have a life outside of wattpad that keeps me from being active on here like I want to be and is partially why I'm usually just dead and have random bursts of activity. Also, I'm saying its gonna be a while because I want to actually make it a quality book and something that I can look back on and be proud of the effort put in to it without also cringing at it, and making a quality book takes time. And for me, the time it would normally take is multiplied by 100 because I either get distracted and procrastinate or perfectionist mode kicks in and I'm very picky about the writing. So, while I am guaranteeing that it is gonna be a thing, I also need you guys to be super patient with me. I understand if you end up getting excited and make a couple responses about it. What I don't want is what I'm scared is gonna happen like constantly getting bugged about chapter releases or asking when its coming out, or getting bugged about it if I end up updating on other books instead. I'm sending this warning out now that if that happens at as alarming of rate as I'm scared its gonna happen, it could possibly get to the point where I pull the plug on it, or even if I still continue, it can get me really unmotivated to continue it or put a lot of stress on me. I don't want you guys to feel like you can't make comments about it, that's fine. Just please don't spam comments about it to the point where it's nothing but chaos. Think of it as Glitchtale. Yes, episodes for it take forever to come out, especially some of the more recent ones, but it's also quality content, and has actually been improving a lot in between episodes. I guess what I'm trying to say is just please be patient and I'll make sure you're rewarded for the wait. And third, the rewrite is going to be a lot shorter, or at least the amount of chapters is gonna be smaller. I want to focus on just moving the plot forward and getting the story out with the least amount of chapters as I possibly can because I don't want to make you guys wait forever for the ending and have you constantly waiting really long amounts of time for new chapters. But, yeah. I think that's about everything. If you have any questions about it, leave them in the comments and I'll get back to you as soon as I can, but as always I will see you in the next chapter. Keep reading!

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