Chapter 30

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Dark's POV

I look in the mirror to see myself dressed in my old purple suit. It's been a while since I've wore it. The reflection just seemed so foreign to me. Jacque gave me two thumbs up." Gorgeous! And about time too. Maderick said Belle was almost ready. " No backing out now." Well, then I better get going." I walk out of my room and down the hallway, taking deep breaths. Cmon, stay calm. Everything will go fine. Stop freaking out. As I reach the stairs, I look up and see Belle walking down the stairs. She was wearing a ball gown with a black corset and a purple skirt. The corset had gold thread and golden floral designs. The bottom of her dress had black lace over the purple bottom. I felt my jaw almost drop. Belle sees me and smiles. I grin back and walk towards her." Hey. You look amazing. "" Thanks. You look pretty dashing yourself. " I chuckle." Shall we? " We hook arms and proceed to the dining hall. Jacque and Clogsworth seated us while Mrs.Pots ordered the pots, trays, plates, cups, and silverware through the dinner. Belle giggled a few times when Mrs. Pots got flustered because someone messed up. I even cracked up a few times. And boy was Mrs. Pots mad when one of the trays dropped a pie that was going to be served for the desert course of the meal. Belle and I laughed for a solid minute before we got ourselves together. Next was the dancing portion of the evening. I was nervous, and understandably so. It's been years since I've danced at all, much less did the walts with a partner. Luckily for me, Belle knew what she was doing and she took the lead. It was quite fun. There was a few times where I stumbled, but Belle didn't seem to notice, so I didn't bring it up. Afterwards we went out onto the balcony, and looked at the stars." Tonight was really fun. Thank you for putting this together for me. It was really nice of you. "" Your welcome. You do so more than enough for me. It's about time I did the same for you. " Belle smiles then turns her attention to the stars. Without even realizing it happened, I saw that her hand was resting on top of mine. I grin and look up at the sky. It's such a beautiful night." Master! Master! " Clogsworth runs towards us, gasping for air." Clogsworth, what's wrong? " Master,......a man.......he snuck in.......we only saw for a brief moment........"" What does he look like? " Belle asks curiously." He had a very peculiar mustache. "

Your POV

Wilford. You were expecting him to come with an army of people. Who knew he was just going to sneak in." Do you know who's he talking about? " Dark/Beast asks you." I think so..... If I could only get a good look at him I'd know for sure. " All of sudden, a hatchet struck down on Wade/Clogsworth splitting the wooden clock on half, and holding the weapons handle was Wilford." Can you get a good look at me now? " He gives you an evil grin and yanks the blade out of what was left of your friend. You let out a tear. Dark/Beast was only able to mutter his name." And now, time to really get started! " Wilford heads for Dark/Beast, blade ready strike. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as you push Dark/Beast out of the way and grab the handle of the hatchet. He pushes towards you, trying to break free, but you resist." Gaston, stop! "" Don't play dumb with me. You and I both know who I really am. "" Wilford. "" See, that's more like it. " You grit you teeth. He turns you around, placing the handle in front of your chest and pushes you against him, trapping you." You aren't gonna get away this time. "" Belle! " Beast picks up Wilford, making him drop the hatchet and setting you free, then throws him against the wall. Wilford just laughs." Belle, are you okay? What's going on? "" This is just precious. He really has no idea, does he? "" Belle, what's he talking about? " You fall silent. You can't tell him. He won't believe you. He'll just think you're insane." Yes, Belle. What am I talking about? "" Shut up. I've had enough of you. "" What are you going to do? I'm the one who's making the calls now. So, please. Tell him what's really going on. " You feel trapped. If you tell him, Dark will think you've lost it, but if you don't, then Wilford might chop off both of your heads. You turn to Dark and take a deep breath." My real name is * your name * and I'm actually a * your gender *( if you're a guy ). Your real name is Darkiplier, but you usually go by Dark. My brother is actually your brother, Mark. We all got trapped here because in the real world, there was this weird fairytale book that grew a bunch of vines and trapped us then sent us here. Wilford is your's and Mark's brothers and he's the reason we're here. And I know this all sounds crazy and bizarre but it's true. " Dark stares at you in disbelief." Dark, please! Say something! " Wilford walks towards you with a knife that he had in his pocket, but before he could do anything, Dark grabs him by the neck ands holds him over the edge of the balcony." Sorry. But I trust her more than I trust you. " And just like that, he drops him to his death." Dark....... I didn't expect you would actually believe me. " He turns around towards me and smiles." I still halfway don't believe you, but you wouldn't have told me if you didn't care. " You smile back at him. Dark's features began to change into his normal self as yours changed back into what you normally looked like. You run over to him and embrace him as he spins you around and sets you gently on your feet. Dark leans in and kisses you as the world around you goes white.

Hello everyone. I was originally going to write an epilogue, but we all know by now what happens, so this is the last chapter. Thank you to all the wonderful people that have been reading this book and commenting on the chapters. The next big book of mine that I'm going to be working on is If I Stay which is the spinoff for my Jelsa series, Frozen Love. And of course I'm going to work on my other books in between chapters. Thank you guys so much for reading and I'll see you guys in another book. Keep reading!

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