Chapter 14

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Your POV

You wake up to the sound of Mark screaming. You figured he was playing a horror game, so you decided to get up and tell him to tone it down a little bit. When you get up and walk out the hallway, you realize that it wasn't a horror game he was screaming from. Out of nowhere, you see the walls and floor covered in vines with flowers blossoming from the mysterious plant. Dark walks out of his bedroom half-asleep and grumpy." What the heck are you screaming about?! Did you finally play FNAF 4?! " When he realized what was going on, he stared at everything in shock. You walk into the living room, making your way deeper into the vines and flowers growing around you." Mark! " you call, trying to find him. You see a cocoon made out of the vines on the other side of the room." Mark! "" * your name*, wait a minute! " you hear Dark call after you, concerned. You make your way to the cocoon of vines and try to tear through the vines to set Mark free. Thorns grew from the vines and your finger gets pricked." Ow! " You see a drop of blood run down your finger to your hand." * Your name*! " Dark runs up to you and grabs your hand to inspect your injuries." Are you okay? Did you get hurt? "" Dark, I'm fine. I just pricked my finger on the thorns. " All of a sudden, you start to feel dizzy and nauseated." * your name *? "" I don't feel so good ..."" Crap! Its the thorns! They're poisonous! " You feel the vines wrap around your feet, tripping you and making you fall down." Oh no you don't! " Dark grabs onto the vines around your feet only to get pricked by thorns several times on the hand." Wow, hey neon poptart cat. " And with that, Dark goes cross eyed and falls on his back, unconscious." Dark! " You feel a sudden pain jab you in the head, kinda like a stubborn headache. You end up laying on your back as the vines continue to trap you. You black out as the vines start to cover your face.

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