01 : Isabella

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How I start my day
With punches and kicks
A little running
Then get a meal- steal it
Then find a place to sleep
Wake up next day and start all over


The sound of footsteps resound through the alleyway.

A girl runs past the dark lane and turned to an intersection. Few minutes later a group of boys run to the intersection and split.

The young teen comes to a bobbed wire fence. Grabbing a paper and tossing it on the wires, it doesn't make a sound.

She smirks and climbed the fence. Then ran off. Getting to the busy road she looks behind for a second and sees she lost the boy-

"There she is!!" OK maybe not quite as she ran off. Not apologizing to the numerous people she bumps into.

The streets were crowdy making it hard to go through at the same time difficult for her chasers to catch up with her.

She runs with all her might and reaches an antique store. She barges in and hides by a huge shelf far inside.

The boys outside ran off to the other side missing her totally. She breathes heavily then sat down on the floor.

"Trouble again?" she hears a deep voice speaks from beside her. She snaps her head to the owner of the voice.

"No Shit Mark" she replies with a blank face. The man- Mark- shakes his head and walks away from her. She gets up following him behind.

"You really need to quit this life Bells" he says worriedly. Isabella shrugs.

"It's fun nothing much besides I hate the orphanage" she said with so much coldness one would think she doesn't have emotions.

That's just how she has grown up to be. No one ever showed a little emotion to her except Mark though and his wife. But apart from them she has always been on the cruel side of the world.

He sighed and went back to what he was doing. Isabella looks at her old watch and shook her head, "I'm gonna miss my shift" she says.

"Hey" Mark calls out stopping her from going out of the store. She pauses glancing at him. He hands her a bag of chips.

"Get something into that little tummy of yours, pretty sure you skipped breakfast and lunch" he said making her look at the chips in her hand.

"Thanks" she mutters and went out. Mark stared at her in pity. She has always been tough around everyone. Never letting anybody in to her life.

What do you expect from someone who has been continuously betrayed all her life.

Isabella makes her way to her workplace. She might be nuisance to society but she also tries to survive in it. She walks into the restaurant from the back.

Her boss stood there with his usual frown. It deepened seeing her.

Here we go

She makes her way to her boss. On reaching there, he slaps her across the face, "You useless piece of shit! This is the hundredth time you come to work late! Get to work!" he yells at her. She rolls her eyes secretly.

She wears her waitress uniform then goes to begin her work for the night.

Her colleagues snicker and make just of her but she pays them no heed as she does her job.

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