04 : Shopping

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Didn't know new things are this fun
Should have tried it before


You know when you are in that awkward situation. You want to get out of it quickly but you can't. Well that's my situation.

I just can't grasp the thought of being in a bathrobe in front of my freaking brothers. I should have been more attentive. I'm just lucky it isn't a towel.

"Ahem! You can go dress up sorellina" Alessio said dragging Nicholas and another dude out of the room.

I let out a heavy breath. That was really awkward. I've got to get used to living in this house for two years. Yes, you heard me two years. I plan on leaving once I'm 18.

I don't think I'll fit into this life. Besides I'm not comfortable with knowing I'll be tracked down by my gang. That won't be funny.

I get dressed in my crazy jeans and black T-shirt. I wore my only shoes. Black sneakers. It's one Mark's wife gave as a gift to me 3 years ago on Christmas.

Well I've outgrown the shoe no doubt but I don't care. I walk out of the room to the dinning since it was breakfast.

I didn't expect my bed to be hella soft. I had to sleep on the desk as it was more comfortable to me. Don't blame me in not used to those luxury things.

I skipped dinner as I didn't want to see anyone of my other brothers. How did I do it? I had to fake sleep on the freaking soft bed. It was hard at first but after a good 30 minutes on that bed. I finally got to stay on the desk.

Will I ever get used to that bed-

"Ouch!" I wince bumping into a hard chest. Yep, I'm sure it's a well built wall... Oh...

"Watch it squirt" the dude Alessio dragged from my room with Nicholas was glaring at me.

I sidestep him and walk downstairs. "Can't you apologize?" he said becoming angry. I ignore him and continue going down the stairs. "Hey I'm talking to you" he sounded pissed off right now. No trouble... No trouble... Don't beat up his built ass...

I felt his hand on my wrist stopping me from reaching the last step. I looked at him matching his glare. He was taken aback. "What?" I said annoyed.

"A simple sorry will do" he seethed. Is he really this childish? I mean hello he clearly didn't look where he was going and plus I did not do any damage to him.

"I don't think I broke your bone or something what's the deal dude" I yank my hand away from his grip. I left him speechless.

Cock sucking bastard!

I need to smoke a pot.... That's need-

"Morning to you sorellina" I heard Alessio say. My eyes meet his. He looks like the only one that can smile in this house. Seriously, is it in our DNAs to be coldies?

Well Alessio doesn't seem to be affected by that, "Good morning Alessio" I say shortly walking to my seat of yesterday. As I sat the same dude who pissed me off came in.

He sat next to a younger dude. He didn't even greet anyone. I guess he's the grumpy one. Wait my brothers are all grumpy OK except Alessio.

"Since you weren't here last night you didn't get to meet the rest of the family. Boys introduce yourselves" Alessio says that last part sternly.

I take a quick look at the entire table. True to his words they're additional brothers.

"I'm Alessandro and this is Alexander my twin" a nerdy looking dude says. No offense bro you really look like those science geeks-

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