11 : Girl Biceps

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Don't judge a book by its cover


I hate bitches who think they own the school. Can you believe these idiots think it'll be a cool thing to corner me?

"What do you want?" I asked irritated. The blonde girl who looks like the group leader came forward.

"I just want a favour from you" she said then grabbed my shoulder.

"You're too close to Jason and that isn't good bitch" she snarled bringing me closer to her face.


She looks uglier so close. My goodness whoever told this girl her makeup looks good had better tell her the truth before it's too late.

"You got a problem?" I said trying to provoke her. It worked as she wanted to slap me. I held her hand tightly glaring into her fake blue contact lens.

"I'm not going to let you hit me or threaten me because I'm friends with your long time crush. Suck up your pride and ask him out if you're so scared I'll steal him from you then you're mistaken" I roughly pushed her hand down.


"I'll step away from her if I were you" a cold voice rang out. The girls paled seeing who it was.

Seriously did he have to show up and act all heroic.

The girls ran off as I snicker a bit then look at the idiot.

"I expected a thank you for saving your ass" he said cockily.

I roll my eyes, "Oh please Kingston. I don't need you to fight my battles" I try to walk away from him but he blocked my way.

I look up clearly annoyed by his act. He had a smirk.

"A little thank you will do princess?" he said arrogantly. I so want to punch his perfectly sculptured face.

Ayy... You admit he's handsome ;)

What no-

"Done staring?" he says breaking me out of my thoughts.

I push him away and walk faster. Why the fuck am I feeling like a whole zoo is having a parade in my tummy?


If someone had told me a week ago that I'll be amazing in playing the piano or guitar I would have laughed at his face and then send him to his ancestors.

Like how the fuck did I learn this stuff in a week?

"You're an excellent learner Isabella" Miss Claire said clapping for me. I felt somewhat proud.

I nod curtly. She handed me a sheet. I take a look and smirk inwardly. A freaking A+ like I had predicted.

"I'm looking forward to see what you'll do in the students talent show" she says getting some of her stuff. Oh the rest of my classmates are gone so it's just the two of us.

"Talent show?"

"Yeah... You know showcase your talent and stuff then at the end you get an award. If you're lucky an agency can pick you up and make you famous" she says grinning nonstop.

"I'll pass" I dismissed the idea of being taken up by some creepy agency and then forced to work hard just so I can get fam- no thank you I'm fine being Isabella Giovanni.

"Oh... Okay then Isabella you can go" she said her smile dropping a little.

I'm sorry and not sorry Miss Claire. I hate attention.

I get my bag and walk out. I check my phone and see the boys are probably still in practice.

I have got get to the bleachers and wait for their asses. I reach the field and sat at the third row on the bleachers. I took out a book and write whatever comes to my head.

After a few good minutes a ball comes flying my way. I caught it in time and glared at the person only to see dickhead Kingston smirking. Great just great.

Why does this guy like stalking me? I am becoming creeped out with his presence. He walks to the bleachers. I throw the ball which he caught skillfully.

Fanculo il suo aspetto atletico

(Fuck his athletic self.)

"Hey there princess. I didn't think you will come watch me practice?" he had his usual stoic but stupid smirk on his handsome face.

"You wish" I said rolling my eyes. How cocky of him?

"Admit it princess. I've got an effect on you." he said then looked at the field flexing his biceps.

"Should I show you mine?" I ask innocently while he snorted.

"Sure princess" drawing the princess in a mocking tone.

"Don't cry" I mock back and raised my sleeves revealing my woman like biceps. He gaped in shock. I put my hand down and smirk at his shocked face.

"A little punch and you'll be with your ancestors Kingston" I scoff and walk of taking my things. He just had to ruin my time huh?

I decided to wait for my brothers next to the boys locker room.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a pervert to spy on half naked boys. I'll rather eat pork than do that. Yuck!

"Isabella" Fucking finally. They decided to show up.

"Ciao fratello" I smile at him. Not really though.

"Tu parli Italiano?" Alessandro asked surprised. I nod.

(You speak Italian?)

"Now let's go I'm getting tired. I need a warm shower" I skip to the car leaving my gaping brothers.


What can you do if you really hate something but can't tell someone as it might seem awkward.

Right now it's dinner and we've got cranberry juice which I hate very much.

"What's wrong amor?" Al asks worried. I look at the juice and then at him.

"Oh... I totally forgot you always hated this when you were little and surprisingly still do" he chuckled nervously.

"Thanks" I simply say. I take the jug of water about to pour some for myself when our front door was opened and banged close.

I won't lie I flinched. A furious Nicholas walked in with a bit of bruises on his face and hands. For some reason I was worried.

What is this feeling?

"Anything the problem Nico?" Alessio asks his twin.

"Fucker!" he yells punching the wall beside him. I see Elio flinch. I grabbed his hand to comfort him. He smiles at me. I return it.

"Keep your voice down Nicholas" Valentino warned in his usual boss like tone. Nicholas looked really pissed and walked off.

I could feel the tension rise as Valentino and Alessio leave to the study. Xander and Sandro look at eachother silently communicating while Elio and I were confused.

What's going on? Or what happened in question?

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