03 : Rules

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I've got to learn new things
And trusting someone
Is a new thing
Guess it's going to harder than I thought



Everything here is so modern and neat. I can't get used to this life. I'm not made for this.

I heard from Alessio, my other brothers will be back from whatever they were doing. I learnt I have 6 other brothers. Now that's not expected.

Five older and one little brother. Good thing I'm not the youngest. I hate being the youngest. Back at the orphanage I was the smallest and youngest among the girls there.

Because of that, I was constantly bullied. I hated being small and so I decided to do things adults do. Like exercising. Something children don't really enjoy doing. Having to do push-ups and sit-ups at 4 wasn't easy.

I fell a lot and got bruises. That was then when I was small and weak. Right now I'm not weak anymore. More of a strong woman now. I love it as I can beat up several men at a time.

Enough of my past now let's focus on my main problem. I have no idea how I'd act around my family. This whole thing is new to me.

Can't believe I had to be arrested before I can find my family. They knew I existed so why didn't they look for me?

I just don't get it. This is all too much for me. I hate this place already but I have to stay here for a while before I leave.

A knock on my room door broke my train of thoughts. I didn't say anything but stood up walking to get the door. I opened it to see a maid, "Lunch is ready Miss" she said with her head down. I hummed as she left.

I sigh. It's time for lunch which I clearly don't want to have. I mean I can go three days without food. It's a norm. Though I get scolded by Mark and his wife, I'm forced to eat.

It's not my fault I'm leaving on the streets. Now here I am forced- Okay maybe not but I'm told to come have lunch.

Well let's go and try it out. It's not like I've got a choice. I walk out of my room and downstairs.

How I found my way? I've got photographic memory. I hate it in some cases but I'm thankful for it sometimes.

A maid sees me and gestures to the dinning. I nod at her and walked to the direction she pointed at. I got there and saw Alessio and two older boys.

Well men to be precise. One looked a bit like Alessio and another clearly older than the two.

"Sorellina come seat" Alessio said smiling at me. I sat on a chair far from them though. I don't trust people especially men. Hell it took years to trust Mark and his wife.

"Isabella" the older one called out. My eyes looked up at meet his cold ones. He looks slightly like me but with brown eyes. You can say mini-girl him.

"I'm Valentino your eldest brother" he introduced while I stared deep into his eyes. This dude probably is leader of a gang or something. He has a powerful aura. I should be careful of him.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Alessio nudging the guy next to him. The supposed person grumbled then said something.


"He's my twin don't mind his grumpy ass" Alessio says glaring daggers at Nicholas who shrugs. Hmm that explains their resemblance. Twins.

Lunch gets served to us. I stare at the food in front of me. Like literally, did they have to fill the plate. It's not like I'll eat up to half of this.

I let my brothers start eating first before digging in. It was quite nice and I found myself eating more than half the plate.

Wow that's the best meal I've ever eaten throughout my entire existence. I hear a chuckle. My eyes meet Alessio's.

I raise my brows with a questioning gaze, "You look funny sorellina and you've got some stain by your lips" he says smiling. I use the back of my hand about to wipe it when a tissue is passed to me.

"Use this instead" Nicholas said not looking at me. Weird. I take the tissue and clean round my lips. I get up making them stare at me.

"Thank you for the meal" I say shortly. I notice Valentino looking down at my plate, "There's still a little more left" Alessio says, "I'm full" I answer quickly. Hoping he won't push me to eat more.

"Fine you may go" he says. I nod and left, "Wait" I hear behind me. Valentino stands up. "Follow me" he says and walks off. I trail behind him.


Wow his office looks cool. I love the dark theme. It's so bossy. Exudes the proper character he has.

"Have a seat little sister" he said coolly as he sat behind the huge mahogany table.

I sat down opposite him. He looked serious. What now?

"Reason you're here is to discuss the rules you have to adher to while staying in this house" he begins taking a good look at me. One thing I oddly love about this guy is how good he is at maintaining eye contact.

Damn it I was a normal person I would have peed my pants by now. But we'll I ain't normal.

"1. You're to always maintain eye contact when talking to any of us. You seem to be doing well in that aspect keep it up." he said blankly but I could tell he was slightly proud.

I felt something new. What is happening to me? Maybe because someone is proud of me for the first time?

"2. Don't you ever disrespect any of your older brothers. You'll be punished if that happens." he said sternly. I nod.

"3. Try giving an oral response to every question. I don't want you to nod or shake your head all the time. Am I clear?" he says again sternly.

"Yes" I answer shortly almost nodding my head in the process. He continues.

"4. Always have an excellent grade in all subjects. There's no record of you going to school but we can test your basic knowledge to see if you can be in the appropriate class" he said.

"I was schooled when I was still at the orphanage" I say quietly. "I see" he says.

"5. No boyfriends, drugs, sneaking out or lying. I don't tolerate these things and I won't hesitate to punish you" he warns.

"I assure you. I won't have to do any of these things" I truthfully say. OK not fully truthful. I have a habit of sneaking out and lying. I better be careful.

"That's all for now you may go" he dismissed me. I get up and walk to the door. My hand paused as it got to the handle, "Welcome back Isabella" he says.

I glance at him for a second then walk out. I sighed as I close the door. Just how am I going to survive with these so called rules. One thing I don't really cooperate with is Rules. I suck at listening to laid out rules.

I was always a notorious fellow than a good girl. Well there goes my bad habit.


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