06 : Family pt2

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Family my comfort zone


Nervous is an understatement to what Isabella feels right now. She has never been scared to face anything in her life. Except going back to the orphanage, she has always been a fearless teenager.

Her hands felt sweaty and she kept fidgeting with the hems of Jordan's hoodie. For some reason his cologne which lingered offered a bit of comfort.

Soon it was time for her to write her exam. She takes in a deep breath.

You can do this

She pep talked herself. On getting to the hall it was filled with some other people. Those who also had the opportunity to get into this prestigious school.

In a few minutes, the exam starts. Isabella clicking the answers on the computer. Making sure each and everyone of her answers are accurate.

She finishes 30 minutes before the time which surprises the invigilator.


"You did well Isa don't pressure yourself" Alessandro says taking a bit of his salad. She still hadn't touched her plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

Isabella was still in a trance. Remembering every single question she came across. Photographic memory.

She flinched feeling a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes meet Alessio's. He looks at her worriedly.

"Sorellina you did just fine" he says trying to reassure her. She nods.

"Take a bite-" he was cut off as Valentino comes in. He looks less scary like he had good news.

He holds up his phone and looks straight at Isabella, "Congratulations little sister... You passed" he says with a bit of pride.

Alessio claps his hands a bit avoiding making a loud sound. Alessandro smiles as Isabella looks at Valentino.

"What did I score?" she asked anxiously.

"A 99%" he answered shortly. There was silence in the dinning room. Each person taking their time to grasp the info except Valentino of course.

"Another genius I see" Nicholas says nonchalantly stuffing his spaghetti into his mouth.

Emilio glances at Isabella. One will think he had no emotion in his eyes but there was a little look of admiration.

"That... That's unexpected..." Isabella finally talked. Her brothers look at her in surprise.

"Well dear you aced your exam so you're going to resume school with the boys in a week time. This calls for a celebration" Alessio says enthusiastically.

The boys cheered. Isabella picked up her fork and ate slowly.

How come?

They didn't make fun of me

She raised her head scanning the boys happy faces. Her eyes lock with Valentino's. He gives her a curt nod. She unknowingly smiles.

He's proud of her really. They don't make fun of her being incredibly smart.

She eats her meal.

Maybe just maybe I can give family a chance


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