18 : Hit His Head

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I can't fight feeling from my potential lover.


I walk into math class. Mr. Kim was alone in the class. Guess I came too early.


It's not my fault I was trying to avoid Jordy who seems to pop up everywhere!

"Good morning Mr. Kim" I greet him with a blank look. Cold gene remember.

"Giovanni. You're quite early today any problem?" I shook my head.

I sat on my usual seat and take out my phone to check for anything to kill my boredom.

Group Chat

J: What's up Cherry!

Me: Quit calling me that!

Kay: Hey you guys I had
the most amazing dream ever!

J: Cool cuz we don't wanna hear

Kay: Whay?

Me: I'm with him in this one

Kay: Anyways Ales asked me
out to prom!

Me: Cheese and sprinkles

J: I need to head to class bye!

Me: Math starts bye!

Kay: Hey guys wait up!

I kept my phone aside. Soon the bell rang and students strolled into the classroom. I brought out my books ready for class.

A girl comes in. She had weird looking glasses and a pure red hair. Wow a redhead.

"Class I introduce our new exchange student Jane Sidrov" Mr. Kim said.

The boys were giving her disgusted looks same as girls. Mr. Kim made her seat next to me. Why me?

I don't pay attention to her listen to Mr. Kim. "Hi... I'm Jane" she says trying to get my attention.

I don't glance at her but pretend she doesn't exist. I hate being distracted in Math class.

Soon she gets the hint and shuts up. Thank gracious.

Soon class is over. I made a beeline for the door but to my horror the redhead stopped me.

"Hey I was trying to get your attention but you didn't answer. I figured you wanted to listen in class so I gave you some space-"

"Get out of my way new girl." I said in my genetic cold tone. She nods and steps aside.

As I passed by her I see a familiar tattoo on her neck. An Eagle's head. The same one I saw in the slums before I got arrested.

I need to take a look on what this actually means. On my way to the next class Stronzo decided he should show his ugly but handsome face.

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