09 : Panic Attack

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We all have demons we fight every day
We're family and will always have your back.
Don't hold it all in
Let it out


Valentino clenched his jaw after receiving the news of the attack on his siblings.

Who would dare challenge the Italians? This hasn't happened in 14 years. Ever since Isabella's kidnap. His father had killed all those who were involved in her kidnap as they didn't know where the child was.

Now she's back and someone dares attack the Italians princess. He was ready to unleash the beast in him.

"Get me their information" he said to his right hand.

Anybody who wants to use Isabella as a target will die before they get to her. He'll make sure of that.

They should start praying she's alright because the beast in him will be unleashed on them.


Isabella lay on the hospital bed a bit pale due to the blood loss. A big hand held her right hand making it look so small.

Her brothers were all there waiting for her to wake up. She had fainted due to the amount of blood lost.

Each had one thing or the other on their mind. But a single thought ran through their minds.

They want to get their hands on the attackers. Bloodthirsty.

That's what they felt. Well only the older brothers. Emilio had a blank look on his face.

Never in his mind did he think he'll see his older sister like this. She looked so weak and vulnerable. He wanted to be strong enough to protect his sister just like his brothers.

He might be smarter than adults but he knew he wasn't anywhere strong or well-built like his brothers.

They weren't scared of holding a gun nor hearing a gunshot but he flinched at the sound of anything loud.

Traumas are the worst. They were inner demons the weak can't ever fight off. Always there to haunt you and eat wants left of your heart.

Seeing his sister like this made him feel worthless. If he was strong like his brothers maybe just maybe he would be able to torture the person that dared shoot at his sister.

Isabella opened her eyes. She adjusted to the lights in no time taking in her surroundings. She was surprised to see her brothers. Everyone asleep. Jordan and Alexander on a couch, Emilio wrapped in Alessio's arms cuddled in the bed in the ward.

Nicholas was in an uncomfortable position on the chair. His head up on the rest as he snores a bit.

At her left, Alessandro lay his head holding her hand. Valentino had his hand wrapped around her tiny ones. He looked less scary while asleep.

These were her brothers. Her family. They truly cared for her. But still she didn't feel like they were to be trusted.

She had questions. Questions that are rather left unanswered. She lay her head on her pillow. Why will someone want to kill her brothers?

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