17 : Yvonne Kingston

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Strong she maybe
Deep inside is a little girl who wants her father back


"I look forward to seeing you Bells" Lina's energetic voice boomed from the other line.

"Yeah me too bye" I hung up.

They were on their private plane to Italy. I exchanged numbers with all my extended family. Turns out the twins were forced to dress like barbies by their dad. Uncle Lucio.

Talk about torture

I know right. I can't imagine Valentino forcing me to wear an all pink outfit it will be a terrifying nightmare!

I put my phone away. It's been so long I felt warmth spreading over my heart. All this time I needed family to heal my broken self.

I paused my thoughts as I heard a knock. "Come in". My brother came in except Valentino though.

"Woah Isa your basketball skills are awesome" Jordy said with an excited look.

I shrugged. "I used to play with other kids in the street" I said that too casually. I noticed how their mood changed.

"The street?"

Oh this is the moment I should come clean. "What she means is in the neighbourhood right Isa?" Jordy said coming to my rescue. I nodded frantically.

"Yes. I still remember those times. Childhood" I say trying to not sound like a liar.

You are a liar -_-

"Oh. If you say so" Alessio dismissed the topic thankfully.

"Didn't think my little sister is cool" Nico acknowledged with a smile. Wow grumpy ass can actually smile?!

"I am after all I am a Giovanni" I say proudly. They all laugh so does Emilio.

I hold onto his hand as he is sitting next to me on my bed. "Would have never believed you guys existed if it weren't for one small mistake" I say calmly watching their expressions.

They went silent. "I always thought I was alone. No one appreciated this girl or her amazing intelligence or how multi-talented she is. I never got the chance to feel love. Things happened in life and I have up on the feeling of family. But here I am all because I did something called adventure. It's a blessing in disguise" I finished staring deep into Alessio's eyes.

"Why exactly did I have to pick you up from a police station again?" Alessio said breaking the tense moment.

"Uh... Very beautiful question... One I can't tell" I say smiling sheepishly. He shook his head.

"Well dear I don't care about that you're here and that's all that matters" he says softly. It's almost like I've got my mom here.

He hugs me so do I. Emilio joins then Jordy, Sandro and Xander. I shoot Nico a look while he pretends to be tough.

"Come here Nico" he widens his eyes but hugs us too. For now I wanted to enjoy this moment though I know it's just a once thing. I don't expect to be all happy with my family.

Just like every story this one's just begun and plus my past will still haunt me. But I'm ready for it.

This is my life.



A woman in a fancy outfit that screams power! She scrolls through her tab going through her schedule.

A busy woman she is. Then again she also has a family to take care of. A message from her mother telling her to come back home.

A call comes in after the text.

"Hello Ma..."

"Yvonne Hale Kingston! You better get your ass back him this instant!" a dragon's- oops- mother's voice boomed through the phone. The 27 years old lady sighed.

"Ma I'll I be back in a-"

"Now!" the line disconnected. Yvonne sighed but a small smile crept to her dull face.

She makes her way home and is greeted by a house of chose as usual. A life comes flying her way. She dodges it on time.

"Bella..." Yvonne said with a done tone. Her youngest sister waves at her then throws another but this time at the target being none other than Heather.

"Why will you use my nail polish?! Those were my favourite!" Bella screamed. Yvonne rolls her eyes and walks to the kitchen knowing her mother will be there.

"Ma..." she calls her mother who wasn't alone. Her immediate younger sister stood mixing something.

"Oh Hey big sis!" Gina grinned waving at her. Yvonne flips her off making the young lady pout.

"You were so close to missing dinner. This close!" Eva Kingston says making a gesture with her finger almost together.

"Work Ma."

"Work is too important than your family?" Eva asks her daughter with a done expression.

Her daughter shook her head. "Girls! Dinner!" Gina yelled. Yvonne watched as her two younger sisters settled at the dinning table.

"Xavy!" Eva yelled.

Soon her only brother strolls in with his eyes glued to his phone. Yvonne goes to her side of the table so does everyone.

"Woah who are you texting? Thought you've got no friends" Heather teased taking a bite of her food.

"Not texting just searching for something" he says not touching his food.

Bella snatched the phone. "Hey!" she passes it to her mother who takes the phone and looks through.

"What's this? How to make friends with your enemies' sister?" eyes on him.

"It's nothing-"

"Don't tell me its about that Giovanni girl?" Bella said giving her brother a side eye.

"What no..." he defends weakly.

"You like a Giovanni?" Gina comes in with a shocked face.


"Then what's this. Obviously we hate those Italian Mafia group. Why will you even want to be friends with her there are plenty of girls in the world" Bella says stabbing her steak.


"Xavier." Eva called out to her son who looked at his mother.


"It's nothing mom I promise. It's just that she's different from the girls I've seen." he admits.

"I don't object but they are not our allies but enemies. This can't happen son" Eva say with an apologetic smile.

"It's OK mom" he says digging but it's obvious he lost his appetite.

Yvonne glanced at her brother then her food. Maybe she should call off their fight?

It's been a year. She still isn't sure if they really are the ones behind her father's death.

If anything the Italians value family.

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