14 : Meet Bella Kingston

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She's just who she is
Not a meanie like she appears
But a totally broke soul within



Isabella strolls to her first class while humming a song underneath her breath. Students were slowly dispersing to their various classes.

She on the other hand was a bit laid back as she was in no mood for her worst subject.

On reaching the classroom. She sees that the teacher is absent. Her classmates were chatting happily as they were happy for his absence.

She skipped in and sat on her seat. Jason leans over to her.

"Hey there cherry"

Isabella scowls at his nickname. "WTF Green? What's with the cringe name?"

"It suits you perfectly" he shrugs doodling on his notebook.

"Change it it's not my style"

"Then what is?"

"Badass or Dark Queen or-"

She cut off by a loud laughter erupting from Jason. She gives him a done look.

"You really think I'll call you those? In your dreams cherry" he grinned seeing her scowl.

"Say that again and I'll cut off your dick and feed it to you" she seethed and Jason gulped.

"A Giovanni you are indeed" he said swallowing another lump down his throat.

"Good... Why is bald head not in school?"

"Sick. Are you worried?" he wiggled his brows.

"What no... Eww... I will prefer him out of this earth. His class is boring and his bald head doesn't help matters"

Jason breaks into another fit it laughter. The two friends have a good chat as they passed away time.

Soon the bell rings and the students fill the hallways trying to get to their next class.

Isabella unfortunately has PE which she is not happy about as Jason isn't going to be in the same class.

She goes to the girl's locker and changes to her sport outfit. She heads to the school's field.

Other students were there warming up or talking among themselves. Isabella blankly stared around then a whistle is blown drawing their attention to the PE teacher.

"We'll be having a boys versus girls race" he announced.

The girls groaned while the boys cheered. "But Sir the boys will definitely beat us in the races."

"No complaints. Girls to my left boys right." he blew the whistle.

Once they had been divided four girls were picked and four from the boys.

Isabella happened to be among the first batch. She takes her stance like the other students.

"On your mark... Set..." he blows the whistle. The boys take off leaving ilthe girls behind them.

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