10: Meeting Xavier Kingston

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Your face is all I can see in my dreams
I hate that you're my favorite person


School is probably becoming bearable as they are no bullies nearby. Yeah nearby meaning none come my way. I'm not really sure why but they're plenty of bullies like so much.

I'm lucky ain't I consy?

Oh now you wanna talk to me after shutting me out yesterday?

Come on that's in the past.


Having jocks as your brother or the school president as your brother isn't something I imagined will come to reality.

Don't get me wrong I never wished to have an older brother. Not even a big ass family.

Jocks as your brothers? That's not an easy job. Being the youngest now doesn't help at all. They're real bullies that need their asses kicked twice in a while.

"You know I kinda prefer your company to other girls" Kayla said taking a bite of her salad. I raise a brow totally confused.

"I mean you're the only one that doesn't want my attention just to be popular or be on the cheerleaders team. I will forever cherish your company" she explained. I had a blank expression on my face.

But inside I made a shocked face. How the hell is she so reasonable right now? Where was this side of hers?

"You surprise me Kay" Jason said with a shocked face. Like literally she was all goofy and excited the other day now she suddenly turned to a sensible person.

"What? I'm trying to make a good impression" she says defensively. I roll my eyes.

"You did that really well on my first day" I mutter. Of course she didn't hear me as she kept blabbering on about how cool Alessandro will look in a leather jacket.

This girl is obsessed!

I scan my eyes around totally bored of the conversation. I saw nothing interesting just my brothers -Alexander and Jordan- being jerks and all smoochy with some girls.

Alessandro doesn't usually come to the cafeteria and he is the school president always busy. Wow now I want to pee.

"Kayla can you take me to the bathroom?" I ask needing the direction urgently.

"Yeah sure let's go" she says in her usual excitement. I got whisked away by her. Soon we were in the ladies.

I got to finish my business and came out. I began washing my hands but then a guy came in. Well barged in holding another dude in the neck banging him against the wall.

Poor dude winced in pain. I pity him. But hey who's this haven't seen him around.

You're new remember? -_-

Oh right thanks consy-

"Say that again you motherf*cker!" he seethed glaring dangerously at the dude who by now I noticed had bruises on his face.

Am I supposed to step in? I mean this is the girls toilet so... Let's make a little trouble shall we?

No! Valentino-

Fuck rules.

"Hey mister this is the girls' loo can't you guys take your business outside?" I said in a cold tone. The injured dude stared at me in shock while the other holding him up paused.

He snapped his head at me. I almost thought his head was gonna separate from his body with the force he used.

He looked at me for a second which turned to 120 seconds.

"Done staring stronzo?" I asked with a smug look. He let go of the dude who fell hard before giving me his full attention.

"Stronzo really?" he asked with a cocky look on his face as he took a step towards me.

"Yeah that's right you do know what it means?" I asked not moving from where I am.

He thinks I'll be scared by his so called scary face. Dude try again later.

"Feisty much..." he smirks. Our faces were quite far from eachother. Like my brothers he was huge. Literally huge!

"I'll love to see you again by then you won't be so brave" he whispered. I smirk matching his smug look. I stood on my toes almost reaching his ear.

"We'll see then" my smug look dropped as I shoved him aside. Moving out of the restroom.

Tch! He thinks he's a monster that I'll be scared. He looks like a joke.

He better pray I don't see him again. He'll be not so brave by then.

Aye! You started it!

Whatever. I need a smoke. Like badly. I've been itching to get my hands on some cigarettes for weeks now.

Ever since that douche bag of a boss fired me I wanted a pot. Mark just had to step in.

"You look like someone ate your favorite meal" Jason snickers. I roll my eyes as I seat down.

"A stupid asshole had to get on my nerves so I gave him a piece of my mind" I say still a bit pissed.

What does he mean by "not so brave" I'm so gonna kill him.

The door swung open to reveal the douche bag.

"Speak of the devil" I mutter looking his way.

"Hold up! You don't mean Kingston?" he asked shocked. "Yeah that's him" his morphs into a worried look.

"Did he hit you or say anything bad?" he asked. I shook my head.

"No he didn't why is there something I should know about this Kingston?" I asked air quoting the Kingston.

"He's a bad boy. In other words your brothers' arch nemesis. Xavier Kingston in Jordan's class. No one and I mean no one except your brothers dare make trouble or stand up to him. He's really creepy." he says in a scared tone.

"I also heard he had killed so many people who got in his way. I'm wondering why your brothers aren't six feet yet? Plus his family are very powerful. Rumors have it that his family are into the Mafia that's why he gets away with literally anything" Jason finishes.

This only gets more and more interesting. Now I want to know more about this Xavier Kingston.

Sounds intriguing. My brothers' arch nemesis. Meaning mine too.

I love enemies. I am always ready to beat the f*ck outta them when they step on my toe.

Bro just got on my kill list.

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