20 : The Past

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The truth hurts
I say it's OK when I know it's not
I want to rewind time
This past is too dark


I sat with all my brothers settled in the couches in the living room. I had repeated my Story to all of them. Now I get to know some things about them.

"Don't freak out Isabella." Alessio started with a serious look. I nod.

"We... We're in the Mafia. As you know we're Italians which makes us the Italian Mafia. Valentino is the don and Owen is his underboss. Weston his consigliere. And no we don't insult ourselves in human trafficking." Alessio summarised.

I nodded. "I want to know what happened to our parents." I demanded knowing as they were lying the first time.

Valentino shared a glance with Alessio who had an unreadable expression. "Emilio go to your room" Valentino said sternly.

Emilio stood up obediently not sparing me a glance. I waited for him to go and surprisingly Nicholas left with him. Valentino faced me.

"What you're about to hear won't be filtered" he spoke seriously. I nodded.

"I'm ready"

"You were almost a year old..."


Baby Isabella took her first baby steps to her father. He was shocked and she held onto him giggling.

Valentino had just got back from school and had witnessed the action. He couldn't help feeling proud of his sister.

John Giovanni carried his daughter and spun her around. Isabella giggled while her father smiled contently.

"My princess took her first step!" He exclaimed. His wife, Evangelina Giovanni came in with a happy face.

"She did?"

"Yes. Mom I saw her" Valentino says coming over to his parents.

"This calls for a celebration!" Evangelina said enthusiastically. Why wouldn't she after all they celebrated every little thing.

From when Isabella was born till Her first tooth and first crawl. Now she's begun walking it was indeed a celebration for all of them.

That night the Giovanni Family celebrated their princess's first steps. She walked around not without Her brothers around her.

Everyone was happy. They didn't want this to all come to an end. But if they knew this will be their last night with their precious girl.

That night of the celebration...




Windows shattered. Yells. Blood. Dead men and women. Gunshots.

The Giovanni brothers couldn't find their sister during the chaos. The guards took the children out of the shooting spree.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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