13 : Scaredy Jordy

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There's an innocent side in everyone
It's there you just don't see it everytime



"Alessio..." my voice came out as a whisper as I couldn't find my voice.

He hugs me. I hate crying It makes me feel so weak. I hate being vulnerable in front of people. But somehow my walls came crashing down in front of my brother.

"It's OK sorellina... Let it out..." he consoled me while I let the tears fall freely.

This isn't the badass teenager or the street fighter. This doesn't look like someone who has fought with blades or guns...

This is the little girl who was scared being alone in the huge orphanage. A girl broken bit by bit. She had to fight with these demons for years in order to look tough.

I spent years building my walls. And it's crashing just in minutes.

I need to stop crying. Why can't these stupid tears stop pouring? I'm getting annoyed with my own stupid tears.

Remind me why I am your conscience again -_-

Whatever consy. I pull away from Al and rub my eyes which I'm sure are freaking puffy. Damn tears.

Again what is the reason of my existence? -_-

You have got to be kidding right consy? I'll deal with you later.

"Let's go" he holds my hand and I get up and follow him. He passes a hanky which I take gratefully.

The ride back home- home nice I am getting pretty comfy with them not good at all...

Anyways the ride back to the house was awfully quiet. I stared out the window and coincidentally it is raining. What a sad day for all of us.

Valentino is a blank freaking sheet. I can't get how losing his parents doesn't even bring a little bit of emotions to his face.

Alessio looked down so did Nico. Followed with Xander, Sandro and Jordy. Elio looks so lost in his thoughts.

I don't wanna know what's going on in his mind. He is a mystery to me. A tough puzzle piece.

This family has so many secrets which I'll find out before I get out of here though.


I sigh lying face down on my bed. I need an Oscar award for being the first girl to have such a pathetic life.

I heard a loud thunder sound. I didn't flinch but stare blankly at the sour weather. Another thunder.

This is the best time to drink Mark's delicious/special/amazing/sweet hot chocolate. I miss him.

Wow you're changing really...

No I'm not. I just miss his hit chocolate- shit! I forgot to text or call him for a month now!

I grab my phone from the nightstand and dial Mark's no. Which I had memorized due to some past incidents. You don't wanna know...

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