08 : Enemies

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Enemies are what make my day fun
A little hatred kicks and punches
Make my day


There are many things that I have never tried on my life. Singing is one of them. Why will someone add music to my freaking extra curricular activity?!

It would have been cool if I had to join a science class or something other than music.

"This is your first class with me. Most of you newbies have zero experience with instruments and I'm here to help with that..." I muted the music teacher out as everything was becoming boring.

I'm definitely not cut out for music-

"You over there. Brown hair grey eyes" the music teacher- Miss Claire called me. I look around and see no one else fits her description.

Well here goes nothing. I stood up and walk to the front of the class. Miss Claire had this stupid grin on her face seeing me clearly.

"What do you know about music?"


"OK so you have a favorite music?"




"Well what are the sofa notations?"

"I think that should be doh re mi fa so la ti and another doh?"

"That's good any experience with a piano?" she asks nudging at the grand piano in the middle of the podium.

I look at it and something felt odd. For some reason... I had a little experience.


"Oh OK thank you Miss..."

"Isabella Giovanni"

"A Giovanni that's a first" she says smiling at me.

I walk away to my seat ignoring the creepy gazes.

"OK you tall boy at the back..."

I can't help but feel like I've been to some kind of music room or something like that. I just can't place where I always see this stupid trance.

It's almost like I can hear it play in my head over and over then it stops. I don't hear anything again.

The bell rings jolting me out of my thoughts. I grab my stuff ready to leave but Miss Claire stops me.

"Miss Giovanni... Can I speak with you for a second?" she asked looking a bit nervous.

I nod strapping my backpack on. She clears her throat.

"You seem like you don't want to be in this class but I'm very sure you'd love to be here. I promised your older brother you'll do excellently well. Other extra curricular activities weren't what he wanted for you... He just chose this one" she stops looking straight at me.

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