12 : Parent's Death

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So this is it?
I'll never get to feel a mother's love?
What it feels like to have a dad by my side?
Am I cursed?


I need a moment to think straight right now. How the heck am I supposed to see this coming?!

A freaking pop quiz! On my least favourite subject! Physics. I hate this subject to the core. I might know it but can't help hating it.

Damn they have shitty laws. Same with Chemistry.

I stared at my filled sheet. I had finished this quiz like 15 minutes ago. It doesn't help I excel at all subjects. I really need to get my hands on some cigarettes.

Quit it girl

The bell rang.

"Time's up!" the bald man said. I handed my sheet to him and walked out of the class.

I walk through the hallway with a scowl on my face. I hate that subject and the bald man that happens to teach the subject.

"Wow what crawled up your ass?" Jason asked amused as he joined me. I shrug. I really need to smo-

"Excuse me...?" for crying out loud why can't I be left alone. I paused so did Jason.

I snapped at the direction of a timid looking girl stood with annoying pigtails.

"What?!" I snarled as she was staring down at her pink gross shoes.

That's rude... But hey you're a bitch

"The Music teacher wants to see you..." she stuttered. I roll my eyes and head to the music class.

"I'll be in the cafeteria" Jason said as I walked off.

On getting to the music class It was surprisingly empty. No teacher. What can of stupid stunt-

Someone locks the door. I turn around to see the bimbo who was obsessed with Jason. Girls.

"We meet again blondie" I said making her glare.

"Don't you dare call me that!" she snarled. I roll my eyes.

"You didn't listen to my warning to stay away from my Jason" she says furiously coming closer as I stood rooted in my spot.

I smirk. For once I wanna see how much power my name holds. "You don't know who you're messing with..." I warn with a cold tone.

"Oh yeah who the fuck do you think you are?" she says smugly. I notice her stupid minions lurking in the corners.

I grab her head closer and whisper "Isabella Giovanni" I let go of her and I wanna laugh at her pale face. Wow my name has this much effect? I should do this a lot.

I'm starting to think you're on your period... You're going from pissed to peaceful...


If anyone had told me I'll be stealing my older brother's hoodie a month ago I would have laughed.

But here I am. Isabella Giovanni borrowing-

Ahem! Stealing!

Whatever... Jordy's hood. It looks so cool. I got attracted to the design and we'll here I am.

"What are doing?" Jordy's voice asked from the washroom. I nervously chuckled and turned to him wearing his hood.

"Woah you look like a little baby in that" he snorted and I am so in the mood to punch his stupid face.

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