19 : Flashback

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If I tell you what I have gone through
Maybe just maybe you'll treat me better


Isabella stares at Nicholas' room door in horror. This is the person who's going to help her?

She knocks and a faint come in is heard. She enters and sees it's actually neat for a boy. Posters of cars. Trophies. Pictures. On his bed a huge black teddy bear sat.

Isabella held in her snort as Nico comes in from the bathroom shirtless. He stares at her in surprise but covers up with his usual poker face.

"What are you doing here?" he asks going to his closet to pick out a shirt.

"I need your help dear brother" she says trying to act nice to her grumpy brother.

He hums and comes out with a shirt on. "Speak"

"Do you know anything about a gang with an Eagle's head tattoo?" she asks. His demeanour shifts as he becomes Alert.

"Did you get attacked or something?" he asks worry laced in his tone but a straight face.

"You're worried?" she smirks while he rolls his eyes.

"Get to the point of get out?" he offers. She huffs.

"No I didn't get attacked. Back when I live- played in an alleyway I saw a man with that tattoo" she lied skillfully.

"Why do you want info on the gang?" he asks nonchalantly turning on his laptop.


He hums. "And I'm an alien from Mars" he says sarcastically. Isa gives her brother a done look. He turns to you.

"I'm not a fool child. I know you're lying" he says blankly.

"I'm not a child Nico. Plus How did you know?"

He wanted to answer that with a "cuz I'm the Mafia" but he kept shut.

"It doesn't matter. Tell the truth kid" he says pushing her buttons again.

She glared at him. "Not a kid"

"Get out" he says turning to his laptop.

"Are you kidding?"


"Fine I'll tell you." she gave in being frustrated by his behaviour. He glanced at her for a second then at his laptop.

"I'll say half. I used to run away from gangs. Was in one myself. I usually see some men in with these tattoos and got curious. I tried getting info about them before but no one knew who these people were. Today I saw it again but this time in a girl. So yeah Elio says I should ask you" she says with a blank look.

Nicholas digests the information with a cold expression. "Mexicans." he muttered. Isa heard it.

"The Mexicans as in Mexican Mafia?" she asks he gives her a look but shrugs it off.

"Nothing you should worry about. But how do you know about the Mafia?" he asks sparing her a look.

"Heard and ran from one myself" she says proudly. He shook his head.

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