16 : Not That Bad

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Indeed never judge a book by it's cover




They looked like freaking princesses. I hate their outfits though. Who the fuck wears pink as a teen? Oh I forgot they do.

They looked like walking Fucking Barbie dolls. All my nervousness was thrown out the window as I felt like puking at the bright colours they wore.

How am I going to survive this torture?

So this is why your room was pink when you first came here. Turns out your cousins love the disgusting color. X(

How unlucky am I?

"My nephews!" I heard a male like screech. The fuck?

A blonde haired middle aged dude came over to us. "Uncle Chris!" Jordy hugged the man. Seriously was this uncle he was so excited for? I don't like his aura at all...

I see Damon come out of his car looking like a celebrity.

He is duh *eye roll*

I glanced at the other men coming. Okay so these are my cousins? They look cool. I'll not lie. Almost like another round of my older brothers again.

I greeted my grandparents as they were the closer to me. "Oh my you look the same but with an extravagant and top notch beautiful face... My Isa..." my Nonna said with a proud smile while staring at my eyes.

I didn't have to force a smile as it came out naturally. She's so sweet. "Indeed I never thought I will see my precious granddaughter" Nonno said giving me a grin. Honestly the old man didn't look like someone that could smile until Now.

They both dragged me inside. Asking different questions. I was grateful to them for doing that. As I wasn't prepared to say a hello to my other family.

A bonus my grandparents were cool and I'm staring to have a change in heart about old people. I thought they were cranky and hindsight-ed.

They all settled in the living room. "Ok Giovanni's it's time to introduce ourselves to our precious Isabella." Nonna announced.

First was my uncle Marco. His sons Luca and Weston. They looked like Asians. Found out their mother is a Korean Alessio's words.

Next my uncle Lucio father to D-Star I mean Damon and the Barbie twins. The twins seemed cooler than how they looked.

Not that bad huh? And gosh I prevented myself from practically smiling hearing Damon's smooth voice.

Still can't believe he's related to me.

Lastly, Uncle Chris and his cold sons. Owen and Rocco. They had the same aura like Valentino and Nico together.
Total opposite of their dad. Wow.

"Now we've introduced ourselves it's lunch time!" Nonna said. Then like an excited teenager she pulled me with her to the dinning. I swear I saw Valentino with an amused smile.

The dining was filled up today. Different dishes sprawled on the table. I suddenly felt famished. The mouth watering meals and dessert. We began to dig in. Of course after nonno had started eating.

Pig -_-


"So Isa... How's school?" Nonna asked passing a bowl of fruits salad to me. I took it.

"Cool and a bit eventful" I responded before shoving the fruits into my mouth.

"Wow any boyfriends?" I choked on my fruits. She gave me water. I shot my grandma a look. Then glanced at Valentino who's mood darkened 100 times worse.

"Uh... Umm no... I don't... And won't..." I say.

"Oh is it girlfriend then?" WTF? I'm not gay!

"Nonna Isabella isn't into girls" Thankfully Alessio came to my rescue. I have him a small smile.

"Oh... I smiled she did after Angela is dating..."

I noticed ome of the twins lower her head in embarrassment. So that's Angela.

"Wait dating?" Luca asked surprised. I enjoyed the show stuffing my mouth with fruits.

"Yeah... He is nice though" Angela says blushing. From the corner of my eyes I could see Emilio cringe at that. I smirk. Little bro hates blushing girls.

"That Stronzo is head over heels for my sister. I couldn't do anything" Damon said stabbing his steak a bit too hard. Ouch whoever it is. You're done for.

"Angelina doesn't really like him though" Damon chipped in. Lina as I may call her gave her brother a side eye.

"In my defence he is too immature" she defends.

"At least he's real and not one of your so called K-pop oppas" Angel countered.

Xander, Luca, Jordy and Sandro snickered.

The fathers and nonno were in their own world discussing whatever with Valentino, Owen and Weston.


onna shook her head at their banter. I felt the atmosphere was so warm. Something that was snatched from me years ago. Here I am now.

Maybe I can stay longer in this family, my family.


"So I'll have... " the boys were about to play basketball. I sat here feeling pissed they still don't want me to join.

The girls sat next to me gossiping about stuffs in Italian. I clearly understood them. I still haven't talked to them actually. My attention went over to Emilio in his room's balcony.

Remember he hates loud noises so where he stood it will be less loud. I pitied my brother. He couldn't enjoy playing like normal teens his age.

I turn back to the game. Luca paired with Jordy and Xander. Sandro and Rocco surprisingly joined. Nico was in Sandro's team.

Guess he was bored of the business talk. He seems like the racing type than a business man. The game had begun.

The Barbie twins cheered for them. I watched them with a pissed off look. Why will I support anyone when I was let to play?

Soon it's 15 - 21. With Sandro's team leading. Nico has good basketball skills. Ok all my brothers are good on everything sports. Even nerdy Sandro.


Jungshook :0

Suddenly the ball came flying to me. I catch it and throw the ball into the net. Bull's-eye!

Lol your brothers look like they've seen a ghost!

The Barbie twins cheered for me. I smirked. "Can I join?" Jordan smirked. I know that look.


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