07 : School

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Not everyone enjoys being in school
I'm one of them


Several reasons I hate school. One, they're bullies. Two, most of the students suck. Three, teachers who have got zero experience of what they're teaching tend to hate you when they see how smart you are. Four, who the hell thought it was a cool idea to give uniforms?!

Right now, I'm staring at my school uniform. I wore a navy blue skirt and white shirt coupled with a navy blue blazer and tie.

It looks like rich kids uniform. The quality of the clothe is really high. I still don't fancy the idea of a school uniform.

I hear a knock on my door pulling me out of my thoughts. "Come in" I said.

Alessandro pops his head in. He grins a bit seeing my attire. Don't you dare say a th-

"It looks cool on you" he compliments. OK I was not expecting a good comment but hey I'm good.


"Breakfast is ready" he says walking out. I sigh.

This family is really keen on excellence. That's why they were proud of me. Alessio had my schedule emailed to me. Every damn thing I need for school is provided.

I swear they're excellent freaks. Well at least I'm not going to be bullied again for excellence.

I'm really proud of you...


You've gone two weeks without breaking a rule or sneaking out

About the sneaking out part. I'm still planning on doing so. Just not now they've still got their eyes on me.

I feel it everywhere I am. They've got guards and sometimes I feel it's someone else watching me.

"Good morning sorellina" Alessio says smiling at me. I greet him back.

Today's breakfast is quiet. Jordy and Xander- short form of Alexander- look really annoyed. Sandro- short form of Alessandro- looks normal like every other day. Emilio doesn't look like he's going anywhere. He doesn't except that ice-cream outing.

There's something odd too. He winces at any yelling or loud noise. Is there something wrong?

"You're looking like a creep Isa" Alessandro whispered as he was a few seats away. I shrug and ate my meal.

I will definitely find out what's up with my little brother.


I was right. This school is for rich kids. They're so many flashy cars, boys that dont care about dressing properly that they either leave their freaking shirts open or have chain belts and other stuff.

The girls are in groups. The good, the bad and the nerdy.

Nice description -_-

Whatever. So as I was saying... Unlike my simple black Prada shoes, they've got different colors. Designer bags and whatever mean girls or richie riches love wearing.

A girl also wore freaking heels. Like hello this isn't a fashion show. I'm so gonna hate this school.

I can feel it already-

I got dragged by the collar towards the entrance. I glare at the owner of the hand.

"You keep staring and not moving so I'm doing you a favor" Jordy grinned. I roll my eyes and shove his hands off my collar.

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