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Chapter 9

After returning home, Yuan Ling found the handmade biscuits from this morning from the refrigerator, and also took out some milk from the employee welfare in the coffee shop. After finishing a meal for herself, Yuan Ling opened her property panel.

[Name: Yuan Suzu

Gender: Female

Occupation: Idol. LV3 (34/289)

Singing: 20

Dancing: 3

Emotion: 3

Social: 7 Physical

: 7 (+10)

Wisdom: 40

Luck: 7 (Locked)

Faith: 89

Effect: Fatigue

Bound Props: Stage Energy Bar (Start The idol's physical fitness will increase by 10 points from the performance to the performance settlement)

Packages: Three-star card pool lottery tickets*11, one-star card pool lottery tickets*11, unknown brand tissue paper*4, stray calico cat fur*13, stray Shiba Inu's Hair*12, delicious candy wrappers*19, little sparrow feathers*17

Talent: Blessing·UR (trigger rate 30%)

Already owned favorite value: 29

Already owned Star Diamond: 1630

Already exchanged for Light of Hope: 28 (10000000000)

Already known as: "Idiot Idol" (no attribute bonus), "Animal Hairy Heartless Hands" (three times the harvest from one hair removal, which refers to the animal losing hair three times)

Performances: 2]

Taking advantage of my free time while working in the vegetable store Spend time reading, and your wisdom will increase by 1 point. In today's three daily exercises, singing and emotion each added 1 point, and a total of 15 idol experience points were added. Socializing is 1 point added when communicating with Edogawa Ranpo about which snack to eat first.

After performing once, I gained 17 favorite points.

[Achievement Achieved—Open Two-Star Card Pool Permissions! Get 10 bonus two-star card pool lottery tickets! Get rewarded Star Diamond*500! 】

Today’s ten daily lessons were all completed. I exchanged 100 activities for 100 star diamonds. After completing the achievement, I received 500 star diamonds, for a total of 1630 star diamonds.

In addition, there is a separate lottery ticket for the two-star card pool permissions and ten lottery tickets for achievement rewards.

Even though she was rated as partial by the system, Yuan Ling still went her own way and upgraded to get 10 attribute points, all of which she spent on singing.

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