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Chapter 53

It’s really strange that Ranpo got into a bad temper with Gen Suzu.

You must know that this detective was the one who liked to stick to Yuan Ling the most in the past. Speaking of losing his temper, he would only get a little angry when Yuan Ling refused to feed the detective, but as long as Yuan Ling ate the candy, he would immediately smile.

But today, the detective actually said something like "I hate Xiaoling the most", which is incredible no matter how you think about it.

"Um, is there any conflict between Mr. Ranpo and Xiaoling?" Miyazawa Kenji looked at the angry detective with some worry.

The explosive detective turned his body to the other side, leaving only his back for everyone to see.

"There is no contradiction! Everything is the fault of the idiot Xiaoling! It's all her fault!"

His refusal to communicate made the members feel headache and helpless.

Of course, communication is needed to deal with conflicts, but if the parties involved refuse to communicate, the conflict cannot be resolved at all.

There was no other way, so everyone had to tacitly shelve the matter for the time being, and wait to ask Yuan Ling what happened during the lunch break.

So the morning was spent with the tacit cooperation of everyone.

When it was lunch break, Kenji Miyazawa immediately went downstairs to look for food. "I'm so hungry. Go ask Suzu what's on the menu today!"

Akiko put the scalpel in the infirmary and sorted it out before coming out. Seeing Ranpo, who used to always run downstairs immediately, was still lying on the table.

It seems that he has not calmed down yet.

Akiko observed the other party's angry state, and after confirming that it would take a long time for the detective to calm down, she shook her head and left the detective agency.

Sure enough, let’s ask Yuan Ling.

In the cafe, Gensuzu brought a large portion of pork chop rice with rice in front of Miyazawa Kenji.

"Today's menu is pork chop rice bowl. There are two large pork chops in it!"

"Wow! I'm so happy!" Kenji Miyazawa said with a surprise smile, "My favorite is pork chop rice bowl!"

Tanizaki Junichiro and Naomi Tanizaki sat across from him.

Junichiro complained: "This is already the 82nd favorite food I've heard from you."

Naomi nodded in agreement, "I feel like Kenji doesn't have any food that he hates at all."

"There's not really any food that he hates, but The most favorite thing is indeed the tempura soba noodles!” Kenji Miyazawa said.

He took a bite of the pork chop, and the crispy oily aroma and juicy texture exploded in his mouth, which immediately made his eyes light up.

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