124: Extra: First World Cinema

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☆ 124. Extra-First World Cinema

Extra - First World Cinema

Main World Line - Yokohama.

In the Whirlpool Cafe, the members of the Detective Agency were lying on the table in boredom.

"It's so boring." Dazai Osamu lay limply on the table, his camel-colored trench coat placed on his left side.

"Since you don't have a job, you should take a vacation." Dazai Osamu suggested, "It's best to have a paid vacation." "In

this case, there shouldn't be one." Nakajima Atsushi said, "And everyone has just finished their busy work. It's my job."

Kyoka Izumi brought the donuts and coffee over, "Would you like some coffee?"

"Ah, thank you Kyoka-chan!"

Dazai Osamu took a bite of the donut before it even entered his mouth. "Wow, it tastes really good. Let me eat Kunikida-kun's donuts later!"

"Bastard Dazai! Don't even think about it!" Kunikida went up and was about to punch him.

Fukuzawa Yukichi and Edogawa Ranpo entered the cafe together, exuding a lazy atmosphere with nothing to do.

"It's so boring. It would be nice if there was any emergency." Ranpo yelled, and was warned by Fukuzawa Yukichi.

"Ranpo, this idea is wrong." Fukuzawa Yukichi corrected him, "We would rather There is nothing to do, and we can't let others get hurt."

"Yes, that's true." Someone echoed Fukuzawa Yukichi from the side.

The owner of the voice was very familiar, it was Osamu Dazai.

Fukuzawa Yukichi looked to the side, only to find that Osamu Dazai was no longer around him at all, but was sitting in another place eating donuts.

Not knowing why, he blinked his eyes and wiggled his fingers, "It's not me."

If it wasn't Dazai Osamu, who could it be?

Suddenly, the entire cafe fell into darkness, and rows of neat seats were placed behind him. In front of the seat is a huge white screen. Next to the screen, there is a red door with a green safety passage sign.

The entire space is airtight and empty, just like a simple movie theater.

"Space-based superpower?" Yosano Akiko raised her guard and pulled ordinary people without superpowers behind her.

Tanizaki Naomi was actually not that scared. Although she stood behind Yosano, she looked around without any timidity.

"It's not a supernatural power, it should be a higher level of power." Ranpo opened his eyes and looked around, then said, "And this guy Dazai is here too."

Osamu Dazai shrugged innocently, "I didn't do anything. ."

Everyone searched around the entire space, but found no clues to get out. The door next to the screen cannot be opened at all, and neither physical nor supernatural powers can destroy it.

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