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☆ 46. Chapter 46

Chapter 46

The simple and stupid idol finally apologized to Chuuya and Gin in the office and got their forgiveness.

"No matter how you think about it, just assume that this matter is the fault of Dazai's mackerel." Chuuya said this.

Akutagawa Gin didn't express an opinion, but his eyes were obviously wandering, and he seemed to be secretly agreeing with Chuuya's words.

Osamu Dazai:... Isolate me, right?

At this time, the morning glow has already risen, and the bright golden sunshine penetrates into the office from between the thick curtains. A small vertical line looks like a naughty little person pulling the golden The flag runs forward.

"It's already breakfast time!" Yuan Ling said.

The leader's breakfast is usually prepared and served by specialized personnel. It will be placed in front of the leader after being inspected for safety.

Today's breakfast is the same process.

Originally, Genzui should have gone back at this time, but Dazai Osamu used "starting work today" as an excuse, so Genzui stayed.

Then Gensuzu naturally took out his small wallet and went to the cafeteria to eat!

"Gin! Let's go to the cafeteria together!"

Akutagawa Gin nodded, and after finishing the last work report to Dazai Osamu, he and Gensuzu left the office.

As the two walked together, Yuan Ling immediately grabbed Yin's hand, her little steps jumping with joy.

The long corridor is dark and the carpet underfoot has a complicated pattern.

Yuan Ling regarded them as grids, humming to the beat and stepping on each one, as if stepping on fallen leaves.

She greeted the guards next to her, "I'm going to have breakfast, and everyone is going to have breakfast too!"

The guards smiled knowingly, and even though they couldn't respond too obviously, they all responded with small nods. Source bell.

Entering the elevator with Yin, Yuan Ling told Yin that there were ten different patterns on the carpet on the way from the leader's office to the elevator.

"I didn't notice it, sorry." Akutagawa Gin said.

"I don't want Yin to apologize to me!" Yuan Ling said, "I just told Yin specifically after I found out! This way Yin can tell the news to others in the future!"

Yin was slightly stunned, and then raised a smile.

"Yes, I understand. I will tell the leader when I get back."

The girl was like this, her thoughts were wild and she had no idea what she was thinking.

Sometimes it's a big event like saving the world, and sometimes it's a small event on the carpet like just now.

But no matter what, every time I see that sunny smile, no matter what it is, I will feel warm.

After getting out of the elevator, Yuan Ling and Gin met Kyoka first.

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