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Chapter 17

Yuan Ling did not perform successfully because she was caught by the police.

Although he was a great contributor to preventing bomb explosions, the proper questioning process should still be in place.

Yuan Ling sat up obediently with her legs together, her hands on her knees and remained motionless.

"Don't be so nervous, just tell me what you know." The policeman was a kind-faced woman who liked Yuan Ling's appearance very much and gave Yuan Ling a cup of hot cocoa.

Yuan Ling thanked her softly and took a sip.

It's so sweet and warm that it feels like your whole body is melting like the chocolate in the hot cocoa.

"Can I call you Xiaoling?" the police sister asked.

"Yeah!" Yuan Ling nodded, her eyebrows arched because she drank a delicious drink.

She was like a stretched out little animal, and her swaying legs showed her comfortable mood at this time.

"She is a very easy-to-understand little girl." The police sister thought to herself.

In fact, the girl was quite embarrassed at this time. The originally fluffy hair completely exploded after the fight just now, and several stupid hairs stood on his forehead and curled up into a ball. The sides of his cheeks were also gray, and it felt like two dark clouds were covering his cheeks. The clothes were also dirty, and they were cut in several places, exposing the skin that was bleeding.

But she didn't seem to notice it, holding the cup and smiling cheerfully and enthusiastically, as warm as a little sun.

Ryota was sitting next to Gen Suzu, holding the same hot cocoa as Gen Suzu.

He held the small yellow phone in his hand, typing out the next sentence, and then clicked send.

"I have already sent a message to my mother. She will be here soon," Ryota said.

He and Yuan Ling looked at each other, and then they both smiled, "Hey!"

The interaction between the two of them was seen by the police sister.

She tapped the notebook, "Okay, okay, let's start answering the questions now."

Yuan Ling nodded, "Yes! It's ready!"

"First question, how did you know that the other party was the gangster who planted the bomb?"

Ryota raised his cell phone high, "It's a cell phone! Suzu-san was talking to her friend on the phone, and the powerful Ranpo detective told Suzu-san the answer!" The

police sister also knew the detective agency's Ranpo name and recorded it. Then he continued to ask: "Then why did you come to Tsurumi River Bridge before this?"

"For the performance!" Gensuzu replied, "Today's performance goal has not been completed yet, so I came here!" "

I know this, it is to become Idol, right?" The police sister smiled softly and said, "I have said it loudly before." The

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