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Chapter 89:

During the Warring States Period, Tamashi learned from Enichi that Genzui had gone to the other side. After staying at the Demon Slayer Headquarters for a while, he left the Demon Slayer Headquarters and chose to live in seclusion.

During this period, she never gave up researching the drug to turn ghosts back into humans. However, due to various objective factors, Zhu Shi never succeeded.

The best thing during this period was that she used herself as the material for research and transformed a terminally ill boy into a ghost. He also did not need to eat human flesh and blood and could maintain his life by relying only on sleep.

Only the previous leaders of the Demon Slayer Corps knew about Tamayo. During the Taisho period four hundred years later, Tamayo brought Yushiro to the Demon Slayer headquarters again, just for the final battle.

"I only have one wish, which is for Ling and I to meet again." Zhu Shi said.

The sudden appearance of the ghost caused the entire conference room to fall into a state of high tension. Everyone focused on Zhu Shi, but Yushiro was soon blocked in front of him.

The young man raised his chin and said, "Tamayo-sama can help you deal with Naruko's existence. Take away those disgusting eyes of yours." The

young man's bad attitude and disgusted expression successfully made all the pillars angry, and they threw the Nichirin Sword. He pulled out the sword from its scabbard with a grim look on his face.

Yaoya raised his hand, "Children, please don't do this."

"Miss Tamayo, I'm sorry." He apologized to Tamayo.

Zhu Shi shook his head and patted Yushiro on the shoulder, "Yoshiro, the swordsmen do not mean any harm."

After some reassurance, the atmosphere finally calmed down.

Ubuyashiki Yōya took out the knot, while Amane took out two other knots inherited from the Heian period and the Warring States period.

"My lord, what are these knots?" Kanroji Mitori asked.

Yaoya chuckled, "These are the amulets left by our ancestors. Thousands of years have passed, and the spiritual power and blood inside have dried up, but thanks to their protection, the Uyashiki family was able to survive the disaster safely. "

And these knots are all made by one person."

Ubuyashiki Yaoya did not finish his words, but looked at Tianyin.

Tianyin, who comes from a Shinto family, knows the story even more clearly.

The little paper man quietly revealed his little head from behind her, and then slowly flew in front of everyone, holding up the knot and spinning happily.

Everyone couldn't help but stare at the obviously happy little paper man with wide eyes.

"Hey! So cute!" Ganluji's cheeks turned red. He couldn't control his hands and wanted to touch the little paper man, but he was afraid that he would be too strong and tear the little paper man into pieces.

The little paper man who noticed Ganluji's intention was not shy at all. After landing on Mitsuri's fingertips, he hugged her and wouldn't let go.

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