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Chapter 83

"Shinya, Toshiro Mori and I are friends, and we are both Shinto personnel, so it is normal to discuss these things." Gensuzu said.

It's a pity that this coy guy didn't listen at all, turned his head to the other side and started talking trash again, "Really? Even if they are friends, such an attitude is really sticky and disgusting. Doesn't he have his own things to do? Doesn't he? Do you know that you are taking care of me at this time?"

"What a wicked guy."

After blurting out these words, Shinyuki made up for it rather perfunctorily, "Of course, I am talking about other people, not your friend Toshiro Mori. ."

Look at him speaking in a consistent way, and his vocabulary of insults has improved a lot compared to before.

Yuan Ling stared at Shin Mi Yue with a dull look, then directed the little paper man to fly over, "Since you don't want to talk properly, I ask you to be quiet for a while."

Shin Mi Yue immediately became furious, covered her mouth with her sleeves and stepped back. , absolutely not letting the little paper man seal his mouth, "Ling!"

Yuan Ling ignored him and continued to control the little paper man.

Shin Miyue couldn't bear the disturbance, and called Yuan Ling several times without getting any answer. She couldn't help but said angrily, "Let these annoying things go away!"

The little paper man finally gave up, but did not leave. Instead, he lay on Shin Miyue's side. On his shoulders, he shook his two little feet.

Although the little paper man has no facial features, it can still be seen from its rotating head that it is observing Shinya Yue. As soon as Shin Mi Yue starts to be able to hold back that annoying mouth again, he will go up and seal it.

Even though Shin Miyuki's silence was only short-lived, Yuan Ling was still very satisfied.

It just so happened that the little paper man from Yin Yang Lao also flew back.

Yuan Ling stretched out her fingers, letting the little paper man stay on her fingertips, and then leaned close to her ear to listen to the sound coming back from the little paper man.

The voice of the little paper man is small and thin, just like the voice of a bird, which is very comfortable in the ears.

According to the news that came back, Yuan Ling learned that a large group of evil spirits and resentful spirits gathered in a forest outside Heian Jing. With such speed, they would attract monsters soon.

If the evil spirits are not dispelled as soon as possible, it is likely to affect the people in Heianjing.

Toshiro Mori sent the message this time to ask Yuan Ling for his opinion.

After extracting all the important information points, Yuan Ling looked a little serious.

Seeing her frown, Shin Miyuki glanced at the little paper man next to Yuan Ling's ear and asked, "What did that low-level Onmyoji tell you?"

Yuan Ling told Shin Mi Yue about the evil spirit. , getting ridiculed by the other party.

"There are so many people in Onnyangryo and Ise Shrine, how can it be your turn to worry about me? You just need to stay at the Fujiwara house and take care of me. That's all you need to do." Just after he

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