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Chapter 103:

Inside the Gojo family’s mansion, flames shot into the sky.

Having ensured Lan's safety, Yuan Ling finally turned his attention slightly to the charms on his neck and wrists.

Let the algorithm purchase relevant products in the system mall and then use them.

Raising her hand, Yuan Ling finally tore off the talisman from her neck and wrist.

However, the talisman was torn, and the traces left behind circled around several times. The burned traces formed strange patterns, imprinted on the skin like shackles.

"Miss Ling!" Lan propped up her head, "Did something happen? Why suddenly..."

"Lan." Yuan Ling smiled at Lan. Although her cheeks were stained with blood, her eyes were shining. .

"Wait a moment and you will be free." Yuan Ling smiled.

Lan was stunned, "What?"

She thought her brain was severely damaged, so she heard hallucinations. But after touching Yuan Ling's eyes, Lan was shocked to realize that she had heard correctly.

Freedom? What freedom? Is being able to express one's thoughts without being violently oppressed still not free?

So what is freedom?

Lan expressed her doubts with silence, but Yuan Ling did not answer her with silence.

Holding the Nichirin sword tightly, Yuan Ling carried Lan on her back.

She glanced at Ah Jiu, who was lying on the ground crying because her wrist was cut off, and put away all her smiles.

She should have felt disdain and anger for Ah Jiu's behavior, but Yuan Ling found that she could not have any negative emotions towards this ordinary person who had suffered the consequences of his own actions.

Compared with disgust and anger, Yuan Ling found that she seemed to be tolerating him.

The anger disappeared after cutting off his wrist, and looking at him crying, Yuan Ling realized that she tolerated everything about him.

Stupid, arrogant, selfish, ungrateful, and clinging to power... This ordinary person with absolutely no merits actually made himself feel tolerant.

Yuan Ling didn't know the reason for such emotions, but she instinctively believed that even ordinary people who had rotted in the swamp were just members of this complicated and cumbersome power system.

If there is no support from the trunk, such leaves will just fall from the branches, then fall to the mud and be decomposed by microorganisms, and finally become part of the soil.

"Lan, let's go, I'll take you to the outside world." Yuan Ling said to Lan.

Lan Nana was speechless. She took one last look at Ah Jiu who was still wailing on the ground, and silently curled up her body.

She didn't dare to hug Yuan Ling's neck too hard because she was afraid that the scar on her neck would hurt.

The skin after being burned by the spell was scorched black, and the obvious black marks formed a strong contrast with the surrounding white skin. The terrifying lines seemed to be sudden cracks on a piece of green grass, and the gaps were bottomless.

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