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Chapter 55

Yuan Ling felt that her consciousness was rising into the sky, and everything became lighter, as if she was lying on a cloud.

It was pitch black all around, so quiet that there was no sound.

She seemed to be in a closed space.

I don't know how much time passed before Yuan Ling heard the system calling her name.

[Xiao Ling! Xiao Ling!]

Yuan Ling opened her eyes and saw a bright galaxy.

[Xiao Ling, the skills have been synthesized for you and ready for use. Do you feel uncomfortable in any way?]

"No." Yuan Ling replied.

In fact, the soul state made Yuan Ling feel extremely comfortable. That light and airy feeling, it always feels like there is no restraint.

[That’s good! Let’s go see the world consciousness next! Keep walking along the road ahead, and you can see it!] The

system prompt tone fell, and a bright white path appeared in front of Yuan Ling’s eyes.

Yuan Ling looked at the end of the road and found that it looked like stars falling from the horizon.

Lifting her legs, Yuan Ling kept walking forward.

The surroundings were still quiet, with only the sound of the system chatting with Yuan Ling.

The path was very long, and Yuan Ling didn't know how many steps she had walked before she vaguely saw a figure.

That is world consciousness.

She quickened her pace and ran towards the figure.

The figure became clearer and clearer, until Yuan Ling finally saw the person's appearance clearly.


The boy in front of him... no, should be said to be a young man.

His figure was much taller, and he was also slimmer and slender. His cheeks that were not wrapped by bandages seemed to have no color at all, only gloom and depression.

"No, it's not Aji." Yuan Ling said, "It's the world consciousness."

The world consciousness has no entity, so when meeting Yuan Ling, he can only temporarily borrow the appearance of others.

And this appearance is exactly Osamu Dazai four years later.

He looked at Yuan Ling with cold eyes, "I hate you."

Although he knew that the person in front of him was not Dazai Osamu, but using this face to say such excessive words, it still took Yuan Ling a few seconds to adapt. For a moment.

She smiled slightly, "Is that so? Why?"

"My world almost collapsed because of you."

Yuan Ling blinked, "But it didn't. It's not so much that it collapsed because of me, but that it collapsed because of everyone. I didn't abide by the fate you set, so you hate me."

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