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Chapter 41

Yokohama at night was originally dark and quiet.

The noisy roar continued to explode, and the flying shrapnel shot from a short distance away. If you don't pay attention, your skin will be scratched.

There were more and more people around, fleeing in a panic and in a direction outside the chaos.

Yuan Ling's breathing became heavier, and her wildly beating heart almost jumped out of her throat.

She kept running up against the flow of people, and had to be careful not to be knocked down by panicked people.

"Xiao Ling!"

Someone grabbed her hand.

Yuan Ling turned around and saw the person holding her hand.

It’s Ryoko, the proprietress of the vegetable shop. Her hair was messy, her face was stained with dust, and her clothes that were always decent in the past were now in tatters.

The warm liquid spread from Liangzi's arm and stained Gensuzu's wrist. In an instant, the boundary between the two people's skin was blurred, as if they were glued together.

"Xiao Ling, come with me!" she said, about to pull Yuan Ling and run away.

"Liangzi! I have more important things to do!" Yuan Ling exerted her strength on her legs and did not let herself be driven by Liangzi.

"Follow me! It's too dangerous over there!" Liangzi insisted, looking at Yuan Ling's eyes with a little sadness and pain for some reason.

These eyes were so sad that Yuan Ling realized something in this short moment.

But it was precisely this that made her persist.

"Liangzi, I will bring back the boss from Zhongshan!" Yuan Ling said to Liangzi.

The hand holding her suddenly stiffened.

This woman who always looked at her with gentle and affectionate eyes showed a look of collapse, "Xiaoling! Come with me! Come with me!"

Yuanling suddenly stepped forward and hugged Liangzi, patting her gently with her free hand. back.

Again and again, as if comforting a little girl who was panicking because of a nightmare.

Yuan Ling whispered in Liangzi's ear: "Liangzi, I will bring the Zhongshan boss back, please believe me."

Warm tears fell from the corners of his eyes. Liangzi seemed to have lost all his strength. In Yuan Ling's arms He slipped down and was supported by Yuan Ling again.

"Please, please...bring him back." She sobbed intermittently, pleading with all her strength.

"I will, I will definitely let him come back." Yuan Ling assured her.

The two parted ways and ran in opposite directions.

Yuan Ling ran towards Zhongshan Residence.

The number of people running away is decreasing, and they are replaced by members of the organization who are sweeping around.

The house was bombed into ruins, but instead provided a hiding place for Yuan Ling.

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