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Chapter 73

After the door was closed, the light in the room dimmed, with only a few candles still burning tenaciously, lighting up the faces of the people in the room.

No one looked at all relaxed, especially the maid and midwife, who fell to their knees in fear.

Akeno actually broke free from the girl who was holding her down, rushed forward and snatched the child back from the midwife's arms, and then hid behind Yuan Suzu.

There was uncontrollable anger in her eyes, and the color that should have been as clear as the blue sky was now billowing with thick clouds.

Like an angry lioness, once the stepmother continues to do things that hurt the child, even if his fingers are broken, he will tear the person who hurt the child into pieces! The

stepfather's eyes were also filled with anger, and he lowered his voice, He said to Akeno: "This is an unknown son. If others know about it, it will damage the country's prestige!"

"One child cannot influence all the powerful samurai!" Gensuzu suddenly said, "Besides, this is Akeno's child. Please be careful with your words."

She protected Akeno behind her, "Please leave here temporarily. Akeno has just given birth and needs to rest. As for this child you don't like, just stay with me.

" The state leader's expression changed for a moment, as if he was thinking about something else.

The unknown names of the twins were still a dark cloud hanging over his head, but he knew that it was impossible to kill this ominous son at this time.

Neither his wife nor the witch would allow him to do this.

So after a brief silence, the successor country leader temporarily gave up his plan to kill the child.

It's only temporary.

"Akeno, you are the stepmother of the country. Sometimes you have to give up something."

After saying this, the stepmother left the door and left the room.

The pale moonlight slanted down from outside the door and merged with the dim candle light, forming an overly light color that made people feel chilly for no reason.

Akeno finally relaxed her body, slowly slid down with the child in her arms, and was caught by Yuan Suzu again.

The maid and the midwife did not dare to stay in the room longer, and left in a hurry after kneeling down.

Even the personal female room left the room with Akeno's wave.

This time, only Akeno and Gensuzu were left in the small space, as well as the striped child in their arms.

"This child is a little quiet." Yuan Ling said.

The newly born baby was very small and shrank into a small white ball in Akeno's arms. The red markings that spread from the forehead to the neck lay abruptly on the skin.

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