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Chapter 13

The incident happened suddenly, both parties focused on the small fifty yen coin.

Gensuzu: ...

Man in black: ...

After a strange silence, Genzui handed over his last fifty yen coin.

Just when the man was about to pick up the coin, Nakahara Chuuya's voice rang in Yuan Ling's ears.

The orange-haired young man came up and grabbed the man in black by the collar, yelling, "You bastard, do you know this is an abnormal period?"

The man who was grabbed by the collar did not lose his panic at all, and still held the source bell in his hand. Pay cash.

He spread his hands and said with an impatient expression: "What, isn't this something that Chuuya needs to worry about? Why do you need me, your immediate boss, to think about it? After all, Chuuya is too useless."

It can be said to be quite shameless and self-righteous.

If it weren't for Yuan Ling being right next to him, Zhongyuan Zhongya would definitely press this bastard's head into the cement floor right now!

"Bastard Dazai! Just stop it!"

"That's right! You're a little dwarf who can only say one or two sentences over and over again. I'd be bored even if I talk to you for more than one sentence." Dazai turned his head aside and considered it his own. There was no possibility of showing any weakness even if the other party grabbed him by the collar.

On the contrary, standing on the dwarf's bottom line and jumping repeatedly is his daily routine.

Yuan Ling watched a quarrel between a subordinate and a superior. The two of them used words exclusive to elementary school students such as "puppy", "mackerel", "bastard" and "slug".

Should I be called a subordinate and a superior? When the two of them were cursing, their expressions and eyes were similar, like two cats facing each other, neither letting go of the other, always feeling like they would swoop up and pluck each other's hair out in the next second.

"Mr. Dazai and Mr. Nakahara are in a superior-subordinate relationship. That's it." Yuan Ling clapped her hands and suddenly felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, he is Mr. Nakahara's boss. Judging from his attitude, Mr. Dazai must be in good health!

As for why Dazai had so many bandages wrapped around his body, Gen Suzu felt that this should be regarded as a personal hobby. Just like Akutagawa Ryunosuke always wears a big coat no matter what the weather, Ranpo likes to wear detective clothes. These are the same principles.

Since it is a personal preference, it deserves to be respected as long as it does not affect other people.

After standing there for a while, Yuan Ling put away her empty wallet and put it into her pink backpack to make room for the two superiors and subordinates who were bickering like elementary school students.

"Wait a minute, um..." Chuuya didn't know what to call Gen Suzu.

"Just call me Xiaoling!" Yuanling replied, "Does Mr. Nakahara have anything else to do?"

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