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Chapter 109

At five o'clock in the morning, there was already a faint light in the high school.

Ieru Niji came out of the infirmary and returned to the dormitory with a tired but tight body.

She didn't want to rest now. The bloody corpses and the painful screams of the survivors were still raging in her mind.

Although he has been exposed to enough things in the past two months, Glass just can't fully adapt to it.

Glass was not frightened because of those hideous wounds, but more because of the deep-seated sarcasm of the established future.

There seems to be only two endings for Conjurer. Death, or becoming part of a higher power system.

There are only two paths to choose from, and no matter how hard you struggle on other seemingly different paths, you will find that they are just self-deception, and you will still end up walking on two old paths.

A little tired, Glass thought to himself.

When he came to the balcony, Glass took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

There were only three sticks left in it, so Glass took one out.

Then there’s the lighter. But Glass couldn't find the lighter, and finally remembered that she had thrown it away a week ago when the fuel in the lighter ran out.

"Tsk." She clicked her tongue impatiently.

Unable to vent his depressed emotions, Glass could only hold a cigarette in his mouth in vain and cast his gaze into the distance.

Time passed little by little, and Glass saw the golden sun rising slowly from the horizon, and the originally dark night sky was wiped away little by little, revealing white.

"Glass?" The girl's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

Glass lowered his head and saw that the girl was sitting on the magic wand looking up at her, coming to her side little by little with the rising morning glow.

"Are you getting up at this hour?" Yuan Ling came in from the balcony.

"No, I didn't sleep at all. I just finished work." Glass said.

She was so tired that she couldn't even smile, and her voice was weak when she spoke.

Yuan Ling noticed her fatigue, blinked and approached Glass.

"What's wrong?" Glass raised his eyes.

The girl is very tall, even taller than Glass. So when she gets close, Glass will subconsciously raise his head slightly so that he can meet the girl's eyes.

Very beautiful eyes. If you look closer, you will find that they are even more beautiful.

Especially when the golden morning glow pours down into the eyes, it melts with the gold in the eyes to become a unique honey, and collides with the special jam-like red.

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