our love can never die

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this is it! the last chapter of my baby 💕 i really hope you guys loved it as much as i did, thank you going on this crazy journey with me...



On the first day of uni, I walk alongside my friends, the new ones. The old ones are still at their old uni, but we get together every weekend, all of us. Better yet, my boyfriend is by my side, his arms around my neck. And when we have to part ways to go to classes he gives me a little peck and tells me he will see me at lunch. And I know he will. At lunch. At home. For the rest of our lives.

There was a lot happening until we got to this point. I fought the darkness inside myself. I lost who I was along the way. But I also found it again. Thanks to the people I love. I still drink sometimes, but I don't get passed out drunk. My mind still plays some tricks on me once in a while, but instead of closing myself up, I reach out, I search for the light, sometimes I am that light. I force myself to be that light for me.

Akk is also working through his things, but now we do that together.

I've learnt it's hard to ask for help, it's even harder to accept the help. Specially when the kind of help we need it's not the one we want. But even if the path of help tumultuous and full of thorns, there's always beautiful roses on the other side.

Because even the darkest night will be followed by a sunrise.

Instead of letting the darkness control my life, I choose to face it, head on. I choose to deny it of its power. I choose to be the light.



Life has a way of taking you to where you need to be. Sometimes it takes a different path from the one you were expecting. But it still gets you there. Some extra scars, some bumps, but where you are is exactly where you are meant to be.

The universe has its own way of showing you what your time and place should be. Everyone finds their own, Akk and Ray find it within each other. They were lucky enough to find it very soon in their lives. And even if they had to overcome some obstacles, they got to where they are now.

Five years later, they are still living together in that same apartment that brought them together. Ray has been wanting to get a house with Akk, but Akk wanted to graduate first, and go to London. He was a year behind Ray, so he wanted to get uni done and away with.

Spending a year in London wasn't a hard choice, the hard part was accepting the fact that Ray was going to pay for everything. But after a little bit of convincing, Akk realized he owned him that much, after everything they've been through. It would make RAy happy and he was willing to do anything to make Ray happy.

Including asking him to marry him, on new years, while the fireworks were in the air, the darkness of the sky contrasting with the lights and the sound surrounding them. He had it all planned, dinner, romance, everything, But seeing Ray on that light, smiling, so carefree, was enough to throw it all out the windows, get on one knee right there, in the middle of thousand of people and pop the question that was hunting his mind for so long.

"Ray, you are my everything, you're my whole world. Will you please give me the honor of marrying me?"


Ray doesn't even think. He just answers. Spending the rest of his life with Akk is the only thing he has ever wanted. They are going to have their wedding back home. With all their friends, surrounded by the people they love the most.

Mew and Top are already married, no one even knew they got engaged or when. Not until they sent out the invitations. It was something very simples. Top wanted to splurge but Mew wanted simple, so they had a simple wedding and a big honeymoon. They are still as in love as they were back then. Top never took drugs again. It wasn't easy but he kept going to therapy, and most importantly he leant on Mew.

They loved each other through thick and thin, In sickness and health.

They are looking to adopt a baby now, a little girl.

Wat eventually found it within himself to ask Teacher Sani on a proper date. His movies are a huge success, and he's been working with some great directors. Teacher Sani still works at Supalo, things are very different there nowadays. And she supports Wat in everything he does, even when his own family chooses not to.

It's okay, because he still has the boys with him. And his girlfriend. He's been trying to work up the courage to pop the question as well, but if it takes him as long as it did for the date, Teacher Sani might beat him up to it.

Cheum found herself a girlfriend in uni. April, a filmmaker. They don't have much in common, but somehow they work around it. They love each other, and they are happy. They graduated together, April is doing her internship and Cheum found a job she really loves. They are looking for a house. They haven't lived together yet, but they want to take the next step in their relationship.

Kan and Thua broke up. Thua had an amazing opportunity to study abroad, to fulfill his dreams, and Kan wanted to make sure he did just that. that he could be happy, so they broke up and chose to remain friends. Thua found himself a boyfriend eventually, someone sweet who treats very well. He's bringing the guy to Thailand for the next holidays, so he can finally meet his chosen family.

Kan and Nick got even closer after that. Ended up in each other's bed first, fooling around, maintaining a no strings attached things, while not seeing anyone else at the same time. They kept telling everyone there were no feelings involved, but deep down everyone knew they were lying to each other. So they just let them be, they would find their way eventually. And they did, easier than everyone thought.

Kan got into photography. All those years teasing Wat and now he was the one always holding a camera around his neck. His mom got him a shot at exposing his photos in a gallery in New York. He and Nick chose to go live there for a while. They don't know if they are going to come back to Thailand yet, if the exposition goes well, maybe they will build their lives there. Together.

Who would have thought that this would come from Ray joining both his worlds together?

Akk and Ray are happy, about to get married, still living together, still going strong.

Five years ago, standing on the edge of that cliff, Ray would never imagine his life would turn out this way. An angel saved him that night, an angel gave him a reason to stay alive. He's been living every day ever since like a miracle, because that's exactly what life is. A miracle. Being alive, breathing, having opportunities, it's all a miracle.

We wake up every day and choose to stay alive, choose to keep fighting. even when the world tells us we should quit. There's magic in that.

You don't have to have everything figured out yet. Maybe being alive is enough. So keep choosing to be alive!


told you I'd publish the last one today, so here it is!!!
i didn't plan it but somehow finishing this story exactly on this day, bc its my birthday, but somehow makes it feel even more special ❤️
thank told you all so much!!


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