Chapter 1 (Part 5)

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     The jingling of keys reverberates through the halls, followed by the creaking of a thick wooden door swinging open. Standing on the other side, Jean peeks through the frame, curiosity lighting up his eyes. With a sense of excitement, he steps across the threshold, bringing his luggage into the room. As Jean enters, he carefully lowers his two suitcases onto the floor.

     Upon setting foot in the room, Jean's eyes widen in awe. His jaw hangs open, and a deep, audible breath escapes his lips. Slowly, a meek smile forms on his face as he takes in the sight before him. He inhales deeply, savouring the scene, and exhales with a contented sigh. His gaze sweeps around, marvelling at the gilded walls that surround him.

     The dorm is nothing short of grandeur, its spaciousness rivalling that of a house. Golden accents trace delicate lines along the pearl-white walls, creating an exquisite and opulent atmosphere. Three beds are neatly arranged in each corner, inviting rest.

     Cabinets line one side of the room, providing ample storage space. On the opposite side, bookshelves eagerly await the weight of books, while desks and chairs occupy the remaining area. Hanging beneath the white carpet in front of the doorframe is a small but radiant chandelier that reflects and scatters light throughout the room.

     A marble fireplace graces one side of the dorm, patiently awaiting the crackle of a warm fire. On the opposite side, two large arched windows serve as portals for the golden sunlight to cascade into the room, casting a shower of liquid gold upon the surroundings. A table surrounded by three chairs beckons in a cosy corner, promising comfort and companionship. Despite its location within the school halls, the room oozes an aura of luxury, its walls speaking of the regal presence of gold.

     Jean moves forward, unpacking his belongings and arranging them in the cabinets. Once satisfied, he claims the bed near the window, offering him a breathtaking view of the vibrant green outdoors. Strolling in circles, he gazes upward, his head tilted to marvel at the soaring height of the ceiling. Inhaling deeply, he takes in the sight, feeling a sense of tranquillity wash over him.

     Drawn to the empty bookshelves by an invisible force, Jean stops before the sturdy wooden planks. His fingers glide across the clean and smooth surface, contemplating his next task. Turning away, he retrieves a collection of thick tomes from his luggage. Returning to the bookshelf, he methodically fills the first section with his cherished books. Finishing the task, he dusts off his palms and places his fists on his waist, pondering what to do next.

     As Jean realized he had completed his tasks and had some spare time, he turned away from the bookshelf and walked towards his right. Approaching a window, his eyes met a reflection of his handsome visage staring back at him. Slowly, his gaze penetrated the glass, fixating on the vibrant scene beyond. Leaning his arm against the wall, he gently pressed his forehead against the cold surface.

     Jean's eyes swept across the captivating panorama. A forest of students moved about in the school garden, their bodies almost obscuring the lush greenery. His gaze extended further, revealing a vast school field stretching for miles, seemingly engulfing the entire horizon. The sight filled Jean with awe, prompting him to release a deep breath.

     Gradually, Jean's eyes ascended to the sky. And there, he beheld the sight of two majestic hot air balloons soaring beneath the veil of thin white clouds. The balloons floated above, casting enchanting shadows on the school's verdant field. Jean's gaze lingered upon the captivating designs adorning the balloons, admiring their allure.

     Jean's gaze remained fixed on the captivating outdoors, a soft smile playing across his lips as he allowed his eyes a serene respite. The sight of the vibrant greenery melted away his stress, compelling him to press his forehead even harder against the window. He strained his eyes, yearning to absorb more of the natural beauty before the inevitable chime of the school bells.

     As Jean contemplated and gazed at the school field, a sudden creaking sound shattered the silent stillness. The abrupt noise emanated from behind Jean, causing him to tense momentarily. However, he maintained his composure and calmly turned his body to the side, directing his gaze towards the door. With a swift glance, he observed the doorknob twisting. All he could do was wait as he expected the door to swing open to reveal whoever was on the other side.

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