Chapter 7 (Part 2)

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     Jean glances at the five women in black uniforms with white aprons, his eyes fixed squarely on them. As he peers at them closely, he notices the woman in the centre cradling a swaddled baby in her arms. With curiosity getting more tempting, Jean finally regains dominion over his body and muscles. And he can now stride forward.

     As Jean walks closer, he examines the baby's soft, velvety face. Jean squints as he carefully peers at the baby's features, unnoticed by the five women before him. Slowly, his eyes hover towards the infant's head, seeing his thin, wheat-like hair.

"What's the baby's name?" one of the women asked as she leaned closer to the baby.

"His mother said his name is..." the woman carrying the baby answered, "...Jean."

     Jean's eyes widen, threatening to pop out in surprise. Shocked, his teeth gnash each other, and his fists clench tightly. Jean's breath halts, and his brows fly towards his hairline, wrinkling his face. His hair tenses as electric sparks hasten across his fingertips.

     Everything comes to a crashing halt for Jean as the revelation descends upon him like a mountain. He feels like he is being crushed, and the weight refuses to lift off his shoulders. The revelation proves too much for him, and his head feels heavy but light inside.

     As he regains control of his breathing, Jean quickly pants and gasps for air, ultimately succumbing to hyperventilation. His eyes flit around, and his brows arch with the undeniable weight of the revelation. Jean cannot bear the heavy feeling, his insides ravaged by shock. His skin feels sensitive to touch as his thoughts overcome his entire being.

     Knowing well what he saw, Jean knew the baby was him, and the woman with the sandy blonde hair was his mother the whole time. The puzzle pieces were connected; he finally knew why they shared the same height, light hair colour, and fair complexion. He now understood that his visions were the bridge for profound revelations he couldn't immediately bear.

     As the revelation was too much for Jean, he snapped out of his dream and woke up. His eyes jerked open, and he sat on his bed, gasping for air. He ploughed a palm on his chest and stared at his other hand, trying to comprehend his dream. Jean's brows pressed together, wrinkling the skin between his brows, as his jaw quivered with the scene he saw.

     Jean took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he composed himself. He then released a sigh through his mouth and glanced to his right. And there, through the window, he saw the dawn breaking.

     The sun gradually peeked from the horizon, spreading its golden rays throughout the sky. An orange tint painted the distance, creating a noticeable difference from the dark blue sky. The starlight started to wane, and the moon faded, losing its opacity. Howling like a wintry night, the wind travelled from block to block, reaching the university and blowing against the grass.

     Silence reigns supreme in the day after the loud night. Students remain in their dorms, and none wander in the halls. Peace and tranquillity envelop every surface, ruling each corner with quietness. A hush falls over the land, shrouding everything in its path.

     Days and nights run past the time, leaping over the weekends. Soon, students regain their strength and energy to study. Another morning arrives, and classes are poised to commence in a few hours.

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