Chapter 2 (Part 3)

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     Just as Jean was about to respond, the resounding gong of the school bells suddenly echoed through the air, filling the surroundings with a powerful sound reminiscent of a grand cathedral's colossal bell. The chimes reverberated throughout the school halls, causing the walls to tremble. The persistent jingling noise continued, signalling all students to head to their respective classrooms.

"Oh, dang. There go the school bells," Kevin sighed, casting a regretful glance at the ceiling, disappointed that he didn't have the opportunity to hear Jean's reply to his question.

"Yeah, we better make our way to class," Jean concurred, acknowledging the inevitable interruption.

"Agreed," Kevin nodded, redirecting his focus back to Jean.

"But what about your luggage?" Jean inquired, gesturing towards Kevin's suitcases.

"Not to worry about it! I'll unpack them after school," Kevin replied nonchalantly.

     Jean and Kevin headed to the bustling halls, joining the gathered students. The mighty stone brick walls enclosed them, casting a sense of grandeur upon the scene. The only illumination came from the flickering torches adorning the chandeliers and walls, casting dancing shadows across the corridor. The hallways reverberated with a symphony of voices and footsteps, creating a lively and vibrant atmosphere. As students passed one another, their arms unintentionally brushed against each other.

     Doors opened and closed gently as students crossed the threshold into their respective classrooms. Meanwhile, others continued to roam the corridors, searching for their assigned classes. Some students formed groups, engaging in animated conversations as they walked, while others moved in pairs or walked alone. With the collective presence of so many students in the same hallway, the atmosphere grew filled with the palpable heat and anxiety of potentially being late for their first class.

"Room Emerald. Room Emerald," Jean murmured to himself, his eyes darting between the signs above the classroom doors, searching for his designated class.

Overhearing Jean's murmurs, Kevin whispered, raising a curious brow as he glanced at Jean. "Room Emerald, you say?" Kevin gently nudged Jean's arm as they strolled along the corridor, following the path guided by the rich shade of the ocean-blue carpet.

"Mhm," Jean nodded in affirmation as they continued walking forward.

"That's your first class?" Kevin questioned, a gentle smile forming on his lips, his curiosity piqued.

"Yeah," Jean nodded once again.

"What a coincidence. That's my first class, too!" Kevin revealed with an infectious grin.

"Splendid. We can walk there together, then," Jean said, his pace quickening with each step.

     Jean and Kevin navigate the crowded corridors, manoeuvring through crowds of students and narrowly avoiding stepping on toes. The hallways are packed, reminiscent of an overflowing jar of water. Amidst the sea of students, locating their classroom seems almost impossible. Nevertheless, they persist, determined not to let time chase them down.

     As they move forward, Jean and Kevin's eyes flit around, scanning the signs above the classroom doors, hoping to find the one that bears the name of their first class. However, they struggle to navigate the labyrinthine halls, unable to locate their designated room. Releasing a sigh of frustration, they veer to the left, entering a seemingly unfamiliar corridor. Initially, an invisible barrier threatens to hold them back, but they refuse to yield, determined to find their way.

"Room Crimson... Room Magenta..." Jean mumbled softly, reading the signs above the doors.

"Huh. The classroom signs here seem to be colour-themed," Kevin observed, his eyes scanning the cluster of signs above each doorway in the hallway. "We're looking for Room 'Emerald,' right? Maybe we should search for a corridor where the signs reflect... hmm... gemstones?" Kevin suggested, placing a finger under his chin, deep in thought.

"I think that idea could work out," Jean thought, his gaze drifting towards Kevin as he smiled.

As they continued walking, Kevin's eyes suddenly caught sight of something that captured his complete attention. He couldn't help but point his finger towards the adjacent hallway. "Oh, right over there!" he exclaimed with a wide grin.

     At this point, most students have made their way to their respective classrooms. The hallways have transformed into a deserted, almost lifeless space. The once-crowded area has cleared, allowing the vibrant blue carpet to shine and the dark wooden planks beneath it to gleam under the soft candlelight. The once noisy halls brimming with laughter and clamour have turned eerily silent like an abandoned town.

     Jean and Kevin find themselves as the sole occupants of the hallway, with no other students walking alongside them. They continue to wander through the corridors, the absence of other people amplifying the sound of their breaths intertwining with the faint rhythm of their swift heartbeats. The stillness envelops them, creating a sense of solitude in the otherwise bustling school environment.

"Room Garnet... Room Amethyst..." Kevin read aloud, his eyes scanning the signs above the doors as they walked down the hallway. "...Room Pearl..."

"I think we're getting close," Jean murmured, his gaze fixed on the signs alongside Kevin.

"A-ha! Room Emerald," Kevin grinned.

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